This entry is NOT addressing molestation, assault, or abuse.
I’m referring to adult siblings, or minor siblings who are close in age, engaging in mutual affection or experimentation, without coercion, force, or intimidation. It may be two siblings alone, it may be three or more siblings, or it may be two or more siblings involved together with one or more people outside of the immediate family.
These myths need to be addressed, because they perpetuate inequality, discrimination, hardship, confusion, stigmas, ignorance, and fear.
Myth #1 “It doesn’t happen” or “It happens very rarely” or “I don’t know anyone who has done this.” Just because one person hasn’t been involved or doesn’t remember being involved with sibling doesn’t mean it isn’t happening with others. It is, and it always has. Ongoing sexual relationships between siblings are common enough that everyone knows someone who is, or has been in, such a relationship, and far more siblings than that have had an encounter or experimented, explored, or played doctor. Reality: We all know people who've been involved, whether we know it or not.
Myth #2 “Siblings don’t have sex, rather it is always that one sibling abuses another” or ”It only happens between siblings who have been abused or neglected” or “It always means they need therapy.” At the heart of this is myth is that, because of the dynamics between siblings, one sibling can’t consent to have sex with another. This ignores siblings who weren’t raised together, but even with siblings who were raised together, the claim that one can’t consent to sex with another is an unsupported assertion based on personal aversion, a personal history of abuse, ignorance, or even the absurd notion that females don’t want or enjoy sex. If an 18-year-old woman can legally consent to group sex with three male cage fighters who are strangers to her, or consent to be the mistress of a billionaire with a spouse and children, the President of the United States, or a someone who rented a room in her childhood home and was present for her entire childhood, how can we be consistent in saying that she can't consent to sex with her twin brother or sister? When it comes to minors, most family therapists don’t consider it abuse if minors close in age experiment or have sex; it is considered mutual experimentation (think teenagers who are four or fewer years apart). Abuse and sex are two different things. Sex does happen in some families. Unfortunately, so does abuse. But they aren’t the same thing. Reality: Some siblings do willingly share this at some point in their lives, and may not need therapy at all.
Myth #3. “It only happens as youthful experimentation. Adults don't do this.” While such contact is more common among siblings living together in their youth, it may continue throughout their lives or be initiated during adulthood: everything from while they’re at college to during their senior years. It can happen when siblings are introduced or reunited (Genetic Sexual Attraction,) during a time of personal discovery or experimentation, while one siblings cares for another through an illness or after an accident, during times of grieving, after a breakup or divorce or death of a spouse/lover… anytime, really. Reality: Some siblings share this throughout their lives, some starting late in life.
Myth #4 “It is unnatural.” This myth is not supported either in human history or in other species. While it is very common for people who spent their childhoods in the same residence together, whether genetically related or not, to develop a suppression of sexual attraction to each other (this has been described as the Westermarck Effect), this does not happen to everyone, and siblings who aren’t raised together are often attracted to each other; studies reveal most people are attracted to people who look like them. Reality: In many cases, nothing is more natural.
Myth #5. “It is wrong” or “It is destructive” or “It needs to be stopped” or “They won’t be able to go on to have normal lives.” Different people are going to have different moral guidelines about sex, but sibling consanguinamory is not considered wrong by everyone or all cultures. In many cases, it is advantageous compared to having the siblings involved with others. Nor is there anything inherently destructive about it, but rather some find it constructive. The only way to stop it is to have constant, direct supervision of the siblings 24/7/365. This, however, is needless. For most, the involvement is for a season and it will pass. For others, it will last a lifetime. Either way, there’s no good reason to try to stop it. The only hindrance to having a “normal life” for siblings who continue together is the bigotry of others. Reality: For some, it is the best of all possibilities, it is wonderful and constructive, and they lead perfectly normal, even unusually good lives.
Myth #6 “Only loners, losers, freaks, or ugly people do this” or “It only happens in rural, southern (in the US), poor, uneducated families.”
Reality: Sibling consanguinamory happens in every demographic and in every part of the US and the world. There are attractive, outgoing, popular, successful, wealthy, educated people who have been, or are still involved with a sibling.
Myth #7 “If they have children, they will be deformed” or “It causes birth defects.” Incest, if it results in a birth, does not cause birth defects in and of itself. Most children born to close relatives are healthy. You know some, whether you know it or not and whether they know their own true parentage or not. Birth defects can be the result of injury during pregnancy, substances ingested during pregnancy, environmental factors, or genetic problems. It is the last one that people tend to be thinking of, usually, when they repeat this myth. That’s because when both genetic parents carry the same genetic problem, it may be demonstrated in the children. However, this can happen with parents who aren’t closely related, too. Reality: Most children born to siblings are healthy.
Myth #8 “It always ruins sibling relationships” or “A person needs a nonsexual relationship with their sibling.” Many siblings report that consaguinamory made them much closer, even if they have ceased that part of their relationship. As far as someone needing a nonsexual relationship with a sibling… that would mean that people who are only children (having no siblings) would suffer, when the studies say otherwise. Also, if someone has more than one sibling, that usually means they’ll still have a nonsexual relationship with the other. Reality: For many siblings, consanguinamory made their relationship much better, and they relate to other people better as a result.
Myth #9 “It is illegal everywhere.” No, it isn’t. But where it is, the laws should be changed. Some people say such laws are needed to prevent societal collapse due to everyone making mutant babies with their siblings. As already explained, most children born to siblings are healthy. Even so, sibling consanguinamory and reproduction are two different things. In most places where consanguinamory is legally banned, it is entirely legal for brothers and sisters to have genetic children together through artificial insemination. It is entirely legal for someone with Huntington’s Disease to have children, even though the odds are dramatically higher than with a random pair of siblings that the children will have a debilitating disease. We can also look at places where it is legal for brothers and sisters to have sex and children together, such as Spain, Portugal, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Has there been a crisis as a result in any of those places? (Snooki excluded.) Furthermore, the person who says anti-consanguinamory laws are needed to prevent widespread inbreeding makes it sound like everyone wants to have babies with their sibling, and the only thing holding them back is the law (perhaps there is something they want to tell us?) MOST people will not have intercourse with or marry their siblings, and even many siblings who do will not have genetic children together. Another part of this myth is that laws against consanguinamory prevent abuse. Abuse is illegal regardless of consanguinamory laws, and criminalizing consensual sex actually makes it more difficult to get victims and witnesses to cooperate in the prosecuting of abusers. Reality: Sibling consanguinamory is legal in several US states and many developed countries, but where stupid laws still apply, those unjust laws must go.
Myth #10 “Siblings don’t need the freedom to marry.” This is often augmented with “because they are already family.” But siblings who are sharing their lives as spouses often do need the same rights, benefits, and protections as any other spouses, and there’s no good reason to deny them their fundamental right to marry. Also, marriage automatically provides for next-of-kin status, which is especially important when there is some discord between one or both siblings and other siblings or their parents or grown children. For example, if brothers Adam & Steve have been living as spouses for years and Steve winds up in a coma in the hospital, their estranged, bigoted parents would likely be able to usurp Adam’s rights to make decisions. Finally, in relationships initiated through Genetic Sexual Attraction, they might not be considered family under the law, although in a loathsome double-standard, they may still be subject to discriminatory laws based on their genetic relation. Reality: An adult should be free to marry any and all consenting adults.
In Conclusion
There are siblings who are together right now, providing each other love, comfort, support, or their first sexual experience in a safe and reassuring environment. The biggest problem with sibling consanguinamory seems to be the prejudice and sex-negative attitudes of others. In most cases, trying to force consanguinamorous siblings apart only makes things worse. It can be a mutually beneficial way of bonding, expressing their love for each other, learning, and discovering their sexuality; it may even be a beautiful, lifelong romance.
Let’s not let ignorance cause needless concern or repression.
For further reading:
Common Objections Answered
What Family and Friends Should Know
Case Studies of Consanguinamorous Relationships
How Common is Consensual Incest?
Why Is Incest Illegal Anywhere?
Genetic Sexual Attraction
Consensual Incest FAQ
If You Are Considering It
myths lies misconceptions the truth about real true sibling brothers sisters brother-sister sister-sister brother-brother consanguineous sex incest lovemaking love marriage
I wonder what the four stars mean???
Sorry... that was meant to separate the Reality from the Myth. I fixed it.
Deleteif i have a brother who is my fathers biological son so am i but my mother is different than my brother and we have feelings for each other and ya'll interact in a romantic way is that incest
DeleteFour stars means they are a Full General!
DeleteIt happened between me and my brother. Why? Not because of abuse, but because we were close when younger and as we got older we fell in love. I love him, and I wish the world would accept relationships like ours. We will always be together. We have a daughter and may have more children one day. I know that we will have to explain our situation to them and help them understand, but nobody is ever going to convince me that loving my brother is wrong because I know in my heart that it is right.
ReplyDelete-Liz Smith
I fully agree with you!
DeleteKris - a loving brother of a loving sister
I hope one day your love can be accepted.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI had a relationship with my half brother. It was love.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anonymous. If you haven't done so already, I invite you to contact me via email if you'd like to talk about it more.
DeleteIts sad that you would have been judged for that relationship. Consenting adults should be able to love who they want to love.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe only science on your side is this idea that people are attracted to others that look like them. The study did not, however, display pictures of siblings, while the studies on the Westermarck Effect have dealt with this issue implicitly.
ReplyDelete"Reality: For many siblings, consanguinamory made their relationship much better, and they relate to other people better as a result." do you have any scientific backing for this assertion, or this one: "Reality: In many cases, nothing is more natural."
i understand the crusade for marriage equality, but i am pro gun control. How are they related? Guns cause murder. Not guns alone, but look it up. It happens. And murder is bad right. we agree as a culture that murder is bad. but gun lobbyist want us to ignore that face of gun ownership. So lets say incest is bad, but marriage equality advocates, wouldnt they want us to ignore that.
Anonymous, thanks for your comment. That's not the only science on our side, but showing people pictures of their siblings after they've been conditioned for years to suppress any attraction to them would hardly be a fair study, would it?
DeleteAs to your second paragraph, what kind of "scientific backing" would there be? Two important facts: 1) These people exist with these experiences and 2) There is no rational reason to discriminate against them or bully them.
Finally, your third paragraph... no, I do not agree that consensual sex is bad.
There's no "science" for the other side either. The subject is barely understood, even when it comes to rape and abuse within families. No one knows what genes are involves, why sometimes certain psychological mechanisms "fail", etc. The fact that we've collected case studies, personal stories, and have conversed with such people makes us better equipped than most "scientists" to talk about the subject. If that seems like a low standard, it should. That's the point. The evidence against is at least as weak.
DeleteBesides, only in the past decade or so have positive studies about homosexuality started to come out. When there's enough of a drive to tar a group of people, only research which perpetuates negative stereotypes will be pursued, and any questions which might lead to refutations will be ignored and left unanswered.
So far, all the research has been on why people chose not to have sex with a family member, or to a much lesser extent why people rape family members. Social scientists currently only care about sexual abuse, and how "incest" taboos are constructed.
Not that those aren't important topics, but they're only one half of the picture, and actually, by leaving out consenting adults, they're skewing their own research. How can sexually abusive families be understood without understanding sexually compassionate families? How can "incest" taboos be understood without understanding why people would violate them in the first place? Why have a taboo for something no-one ever wants to do? And trust me, no per-industrial society ever conceived of its taboo as serving the protection of abused children. They always perceived it as relating to sexually developed people choosing to have sex. (For one, rape was not as verboten.)
Jumping all over "science" is a red herring. We do have science on our side. There just isn't a lot of science, generally, for either side, so it doesn't look as impressive as one might hope. That's a problem to be solved, not an inherent weakness.
"Guns cause murder."
This word you use. I do not think it means what you think it means.
If the gun had never been invented, and therefore did not exist, those with murder in their hearts would find another tool to MISUSE, as many of them do already.
You want to blame an object instead of the person misusing. Makes about as much sense as trying to ban Toyotas to end drunk driving.
The only thing which could be considered "wrong" is the increased risk of the appearance of recessive traits. This is hardly a good reason to keep people from loving each other and marrying one another. This doesn't stop certain other groups with increased likelihood of producing offspring with such genetic problems from being together. They merely get themselves genetically tested and make informed decisions about whether they should conceive children or not. A good example is Tay Sachs disease.
DeleteWhat bothers me is that some governments take children away from their parents if they are the product of sibling incest. I think that some long held belief is overshadowing the well being of these children, who by all accounts, are healthy and well adjusted with both parents.
ReplyDeleteI support marriage rights for siblings, provided they are both consenting adults, and there is no power relationship (eg. One raised the other).
ReplyDeleteI dont think its abnormal by nature, but it is abnormal by societal standards. I think this could change over time, just like interrace marriage and same sex marriage.
Its so sad that we can't choose to love who we want to love.
I also support polygamy for the same reason.
Unfortunately I feel like I cant voice my support for fear of being torn apart.
Yes I have a brother. No I am not sexually attracted to him.
You know there are billions of people out there, and what you call love is simply brain chemistry that can actually be reproduced towards someone that isn't your sibling? Not very romantic, but, true. The biggest factor in prohibiting such relationships is genetics.
ReplyDeleteSo you'd be just fine if the lovers were sterile or same-sex then, right?
DeleteWhy do you care if they don't hurts anybody? Who are you to tell them who to love? Some people only feel romantic/sexual feelings to their relatives.
DeleteWhat they knew about genetic back in those days?
DeleteMy Sister and I both exercised our curiosities for sex with each other as children for a short period. It was mutually exciting for us but afterwards felt guilty enough to never mention it with each other so it became a buried secret. The experience however had seemed to bolster our confidence in other relationships as we grew through adolescence. It wasn't until 40 years later, with a mature outlook, that it was ever brought up again. We both recognize it as part of a joy-full time in our lives and now for the last few years have taken annual trips together. Hard to explain but I don't think that this kind of connection can be made with any other person
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thanks for sharing that. I'd like to hear from you privately, so if you haven't already done so, please write me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com. Thanks!
Deletewe are concenting adult siblings 50/ 35 & are looking for similar couples
Why?You wish to form a swingers' Club?
DeleteDid you find the couples that you were looking for? Is it even an authentic enquiry? You have disclosed your name and family name in the email.Who does that?
DeleteMy sister and I grew up in a home with a lot of emotional neglect and we turned to each other for emotional support. We used to snuggle together because no one else was showing us any affection. She had a lot of difficulty in school and some thought she had minor mental retardation. It turned out she was dyslexic and I would read to her. I was very protective of her. We used to kiss and touch each other in bed, but we never had full-out intercourse. When she was 12, she discovered boys would pay attention to her and then she had little time for me. When she was 16 and was held back a second time from school, she dropped out and moved in with her boyfriend. By then, I had graduated and enlisted in the Air Force. She worked as a stripper and a bartender and was in rehab several times. One night in my late 20s, she called me on the phone while she was drunk and told me that I was the only person whoever really loved her and she wished she could marry me. I told her I loved her very much. Part of me wished I could marry her as well, though I didn't tell her that. She eventually became born again and she stopped communicating with me. I haven't spoken to her in over 20 years although I know she is still alive. Sometimes, I dream that we both are teens again and making love and I wake up crying.
ReplyDeleteThese are the usual circumstances in which incest develops.What is born again here?Did she convert to Christianity?
DeleteSad about a disrupted family, unhappy childhood, the sister having to resort to being a stripper and in rehab.
DeleteSaddest is the part where bith list touch with each other.
i had it with my brother when i was 14 & he was 17 yes curious maybe. until we did it as often as we could without anyone knowing it for almost 5 years. he moved interstate & eventually our sexual relationship fade away though at first we did it whenever he visit home. we both moved on he got married & so i did until about 2 years ago we reconnected again after he lost his wife whilst i had my divorce 2 years earlier. he still lives in another state but we managed to get connected whenever. i love my brother and it's only with him i trust everything and i know the same way with him to me. hope one day we'll moved in together and be happy. all i can say sibling incest is not necessarily involve in abuse and coersion our situation is consensual & mutual.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your love. If you haven't done so already, please write me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com
DeleteI met my half sister earlier this year we had a immediate connection and although I have other half sibling (8 children from 3 different mothers) our relationship with each other is stronger than with any other relationships we have. Our relationship became sexual recently and we love it I have never felt closer to any other human being because I know she loves me and I love her We get each other
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your love. If you haven't done so already please site me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com
DeleteI wish there was a community for couples like us we would move there in a heartbeat because even with changes in the law member's of the gay/lesbian/transgender community still face discrimination and harassment
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking of that since a very long time ago. It would be better for all Consensual Incest Couples like us to have an own place instead of living in worries and fear to face dumb head societies. Crime never has an ending but these people are so worried of our love life, after all we love an opposite gender which is by right should be fine unlike like those gays and transsexuals getting engage with same gender. That is totally wrong which against the Universal Law. I wish it more like a country on its own, where any type of consensual incest couples are legally welcomed.
DeleteWish we all could live a very happy normal incest life like everyone does without being fear of shame.
You need not move to a special cantonment or ghetto.Do what you like in orivate and no one needs to know and question you.Secrecy gives you the precise environment you need.There is no special pleasure in letting someone know by moving to a "special area".What kind of intention is this?
DeleteYou all are so sick and perverted!
ReplyDeleteThanks for that detailed and intellectually stimulating contribution.
It's none of our business to judge others as sick and perverted if they are happy together, adults and in a consensual relationship.
DeleteA bit unusual and not accepted by the society but never sick.
How many "non-sick" marriages are happy?
Our father passed away when we were young. I have three sisters, one brother, our mother. I was only ever attracted to my oldest sister, the eldest of us all, six years older than me, and attracted to her almost all of my life. Having no father, only a mother, we were a close family. After years of hinting and suggesting to her, I was able to coax her into bed with me for the first time a few days before I left for military basic training, we used her bed. I spent four years in the military and we wrote to each other mostly every day. While I was gone, she met the man that she married, loves still, has three happy and healthy children with as far as he and anyone else knows, but two, her oldest and youngest were fathered by me and not by accident. Her marriage didn't stop us from writing and my letters being open love letters to her PO Box. When I out processed from the military, our entire family and friends knew that I was getting out and coming home, just not when. Only she knew when exactly and she spent a lot of time in bed making love with me in my hotel room over a period of four days that no one ever figured out or knows about still today. After those days, I simply went to the airport and called around to our family, acting as though I had just arrived home. That was nearly twenty years ago and she and I still find time to go to bed together to strengthen our sibling bond through incestuous lovemaking.
ReplyDeleteI am 54 yrs old and sooo want to make love with two of my sisters, aged 51 and 50.I have had fantasies about them for many years.
DeleteTrue love is ready to sacrifice to the point of no gain at all..... imagine a law that permits father's right over his daughter sexually because he has nurtured fed and brought her to full womanhood.... YOU may find it justifiable...but most father's don't .... Why because they can Experience a difference in such a feeling .... which is True love to the point of sacrifice.... same goes with your sister .... Understand this that there is an Experience called lust and another called love
DeleteI am one of those lucky guys who has had sex with both his mother and sister.My mother who bacame a widow at 40 turned to me for comfort and later sex.My sister discovered that and was instantaneously interested in having sex with me-which was encouraged by my mother without feeling jealous.She wasn't interesred in a threesome anyway.
DeleteNow I am 31,still unmarried,regularly sleep with my mother.My sister is married but comes back to us or rather me for the sexual variety that she seeks.She has a daughter who is mine and not my brother in law's.
My mother worries about me but I am hapoy without a marriage.
You can write to me here should there be any questions.However,what more can I tell?
I have been searching for information on the routine process of incest where it is legal, especially in Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Japan.
ReplyDeleteis genetic counselling readily available to couples seeking it? other types of counselling?
what is the incidence of birth defects relative to normally healthy children?
how do relationships take place..is there the normal western fumbling and overcoming of ingrained religious taboo?
i a son finds his mother attractive and wants to explore possibilities is it normal now to approach her openly, without fear of shocked reaction and angry repulsion. are mothers now so aware of such possibilities that if it does happen they deal with it matter of fact whether they concede to their son's wishes or not.
we hear and read or see little to nothing of what is happening in countries where incest is legal. it would surely help here to have examples of what can happen socially when incest is legal
There are many who deny and refute that incest is legal and /or common in Netherlands and Japan.
DeleteBrother/sister incest is natural and should be legal. Same gender sexual relationships of any kind are disgusting and the most unnatural thing there is. Those who think otherwise have very serious mental illness.
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting view I don't hear a lot. Considering more places are more according of gay relationships than sibling, it's not going to help the cause of siblings to take such a stance. Solidarity is what is needed. More importantly, though, is that nothing is automatically wrong about any consenting adults being together.
DeleteDear Keith,why do people need solidarity and acceptance when one KNOWS what one wants to do?
DeleteMy two sisters and I are in our 50s and get together at least once a week for a night of sex. Our spouses are aware and encourage our closeness.
ReplyDeleteCongrats. I'd like to discuss this further. Please contact me privately at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
DeleteI got to see my transgender brother after a long time apart. We went to a wedding and he stuck by me the whole time. I'm not sexually attracted to my brother. Being asexual I'm not attracted to anybody, and he himself is demisexual. But we spent the whole trip together with me wrapped around his arm. He took me dancing. We sang goofy songs together. He led my sober self out of a sea of drunks, even being drunk himself, because he noticed how uncomfortable I was. He took me to a sex shop and poked fun at me as he helped me buy my first sex toy, not even questioning my need for one as an asexual who isn't sex repulsed. He still acted as my goofy sibling, but it was the first time anyone has acted so gentlemanly towards me besides my best friend. It made me feel worthwhile for the first time in years. I don't love my sibling romantically. But I can see how two siblings could fall in love. And I'm glad to have a brother who cares for me enough to treat me like a real lady.
ReplyDeleteI'm in a relationship with my older brother. I'm 23 and he's 26. I've loved him since way back. It eventually evolved over the years in what I would describe as a beautiful natural way, because we love each other.
We will always be a couple. Few are so lucky that they find their perfect match.
The one curse is how people look at it. I broke down once when I was drunk and told my best friend. I was stunned when she said: "Oh, I knew that." Well, she said that she had definitely suspected that it was going on. She was cool with it, because she knows how good my brother and I are together. And that's why she's my best friend, love her! I was lucky once again, I guess. But it would destroy our parents, just destroy them!
Does anyone here have any experience about "coming out"?
Also, we are looking into moving to France. So at least we don't have to worry about the criminal aspect.
But, again, it's the social stigma that's so bad. I would love to be able to scream to the world: "This is my brother and I love him with all of my heart!"
Does anyone know if there is a country (or place) where people would perhaps understand and accept? Would it be France? Spain? Japan?
Well, I just had to write something, because it's so lonely to be in this situation.
Good luck to all of you who have found your true lover to be a sibling!
Congrats on your love! I might be able to put you in touch with people who've come out. Write me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com. Also, here is what I wrote about coming out: http://marriage-equality.blogspot.com/2017/11/coming-out-consanguinamorous.html
Deletepeople who are born to deformed or diseased people are born deformed not healthy people who are romantically in love with adult family members or adult non-family members. its hard for most people to find love to adult non-family members these days. criminalizing consensual sex is insane.
ReplyDeleteit seems to me that the majority of the people involved in a relationship with a sibling is above all pure love and sex is a consequence.
ReplyDeleteI know a couple that after discovering each other in their late 30s and early 40s one became a widow and he divorced they ended up moving together as brother and sister with the excuse she was penniless. Had different rooms in the house but at night sleep together and enjoyed their sex life but according to them, a feeling of love unimaginable. Very strong.
Neighbors do not notice they keep it low profile.
Thanks SBE. I think you're right. That's how it usually is. Are you a friend? It's good they have an ally they know. I'd like to hear more about them or from them. I can be reached at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
DeleteMy brother and I (male) have had a consenual sexual relation ship since our early teens. It continues to this day from time to time
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, if you haven’t done so already, please email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
DeleteI have know a couple in India who are first cousins.Happily married and have a child.She has a retinal degenerative condition.I wonder if it's due to the incestuous coupling.
DeleteMy twin sister and I are in a romantical relationship since we are 16. Meanwhile, we have already confessed to some people in our environment who accept and support us.
ReplyDeleteWell, you were close in your mommy's womb and you are still close.
DeleteWhy did you confess?Secrecy adds spice.All the same,I am happy they accepted your status.
Me and my brother experimented quite a bit when we were younger, nothing serious such as penetration though. It’s been years and we haven’t done anything or spoken about it since, I guess we both pretend it didn’t happen. We started getting close again recently and it has made me think about the past. I’ve been feeling very guilty and disgusted with myself because I thought it was very bad what we did. I haven’t been able to let it go until I read this, I want to thank you for shedding some light on this because it really helped me. Knowing that it can be common and normal makes me feel a lot better. I don’t feel like such a freak anymore so thank you again
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, you’re welcome. You’re not a freak. At least not for this. There’s no reason to have shame. You are welcome to write me privately to further discuss the past, & future at fullmarriageequality at ProtonMail dot com
DeleteNothing consensual, spontaneous and during adulthood can be a freaky thing.
DeleteIt's meant to be if it's mutual and spontaneous.
Sex in itself isn’t a crime or morally wrong. That’s just social conditioning based on millennia of errant us religious indoctrination to keep people subservient and fearful.
ReplyDeleteWe are genetically engineered to desire sex. It’s one of our most basic instincts, perpetuation of the species. Even species where sex is painful for one or both of the participants like felines it’s still a basic desire.
Incest is sex, presuming it’s consensual. Like interracial, homosexual, or other previous illegal forms of sex. One day I believe incest will be decriminalized. Even if it’s not it will continue to occur, with or without the moral approval of society.
How in the 21st century we still cling to dogmatic religious nonsense is beyond my comprehension personally. Only causes pain and suffering, sex shouldn’t be taboo. That’s how you get so much sexual confusion and IMO so much sexual abuse and violence.
When people can’t be open and honest about how they feel without fear of being ostracized and rebuked it helps create abnormal mental states that lead to sexual deviancy and sexual predatory behaviors. Doesn’t mean all sexual predators are simply misunderstood or society’s fault, but I do believe many wouldn’t exist if they simply hadn’t been prejudiced and discarded by society.
We all feel what we feel, in many cases these feelings are urges are beyond our control. To stigmatize them especially when it’s a victimless crime is to me irrational.
Thanks so nice to read this. My older brother 45 and I 38 have sex. We are just very attracted to each other physically. He has been married for 17 yrs and I date other men. But we have our special secret bond. It is so passionate and we fit perfectly. I have never had that closeness with another man. We love each other and can be hard but too fun and hard to stop. Thanks for sharing.we never have told anyone no dkeep it totally separate like just family time. No one suspects so we aren’t hurting anyone.
ReplyDeleteThat's nice, it is great when such a things bring happiness to both side
DeleteI always wanted to be with sister, but still I didn't had the courage
Nice, it great to find love and be happy
DeleteI wanted to be with sister but couldn't have the courage yet
ReplyDeleteThought you might find this interesting.