
Monday, May 5, 2014

Found on the Website of a DNA Testing Business

We already know that consanguineous sex (consanguinamory or consensual incest) is more common than most people think; that it is common enough that everyone knows someone who has been involved, whether they know it or not. Not only is it common enough for that, but it is common enough that enough children are born from such relationships that a DNA testing business put this on their website...
Sister- Brother Incest and DNA Testing

Mark and Susan had an affair- they are full siblings. Susan got pregnant and had a child- Jane. The child, Jane, grows up to suspect that Mark, her uncle, might in reality be her biological father. What can she do?

Ideally, she could do a paternity DNA test. This would involve getting a DNA sample from Mark and seeing whether their DNA profiles are the same- if they are, it would confirm that Mark is not her uncle but her father.
Related: Ten Myths About Sibling Consanguinamory
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1 comment:

  1. Technically the uncle/father in question in the above scenario would be both an uncle and father if paternity was confirmed. But a paternity DNA test would really be the only relationship DNA test that would be definitive.


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