
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Legitimate New Portrayal of Consanguinamorous Siblings

Lesley Haw at interviewed director Adrian Sitaru about his latest film, "Ilegitim" ("Illegitimate") and it sounds like and interesting one both in content and style. [PLEASE NOTE there are spoilers at that link.]

Director Adrian Sitaru’s latest work, Ilegitim (Illegitimate), tackles the taboo topic of incest between a brother and his twin sister. The film was entirely unscripted, with the cast were given the freedom to perform as naturally as possible, producing some wonderful, profound philosophical lines along the way. The guerrilla style handheld camera enhances the  authenticity.
I'd be very interested in hearing from anyone who has seen it. To be clear, the relationship between the twins is portrayed as consensual, at least overall.
It’s relatively unusual to cover the theme of incest. Is it something particularly interesting to you?
Not too much. I don’t have brothers or sisters, but to me it was more like a kind of experiment. The most important thing was for the actors to understand the characters and what siblings mean to each other. Most of them have siblings, but not twins. But they researched a lot, and discussed a lot about twins with twins, to find out the secret about this connection and what it’s like when they get older. Also, they researched studies about incest, not only in Romania, but the UK or US and cases of it that society was against or not. It was 2014 when we worked on it. There was a famous case in Germany, I remember, involving a brother and sister who lived together and they wanted to marry and have a child, and it was a big discussion in German society.   It’s interesting also because it’s on the border of being legal or not.
Here is Haw's review, [ALSO HAS SPOILERS] which is summarized with four out of five stars...
The normally taboo topic of incest is at the forefront of this film, and arises between the twin brother and sister (Alina Grigore and Robi Urs), inevitably creating testing times. Then, to rub salt into the wound, pregnancy and the question of abortion ensue, meaning everyone’s patience, tempers and tolerance levels are challenged, and the father manifests all this in violence.
If you want to watch the trailer, here it is.

FYI, Haw brings up the possibility of genetic problems for a child of siblings. For more about that, read this and follow any of the links of interest.

It would be great to see more portrayals of consanguinamorous relationships that treat the issue with realism and not with negativity towards love.
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  1. We need more portrayals of consanguinamorous relationships as something other than horrible or wrong. I hope that in the coming years more people come to realize that such relationships are not all abusive or wrong, and that there is no reason to make them illegal. I hope we see examples of happy consanguinamorous relationships in movies and TV and that it helps open people's minds to new possibilities.
    -Liz Smith
    blondone89 on wickr chat

  2. This is the only neutral stance on incest by a scientist I ever found:

    Heck even the comment section is kinda decent:
    "I think you underemphasize the most important point here: what about the welfare of the children? How does being forcibly removed to foster care affect them? They are truly blameless, yet the brunt of the punishment being meted out seems to fall on them. It’s hard to imagine that the effect on them is anything but negative."

  3. "I think you underemphasize the most important point here: what about the welfare of the children? How does being forcibly removed to foster care affect them? They are truly blameless, yet the brunt of the punishment being meted out seems to fall on them. It’s hard to imagine that the effect on them is anything but negative."

    Looks like you can use that as an argument against taking away children of consanguinamorous relationships.

  4. Someone needs to make a movie about a serious, loving consag relationship


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