
Monday, February 14, 2011

Spanish Movies With Relevant Themes

If you’re still looking for a movie rental for Valentine’s Day, here’s a list claiming to be the “10 Best Spanish Erotic Movies.” I will point out the ones of interest to the topics of this blog.

1. “Amigo/Amado.”A homosexual professor is in love with his best student in this Spanish movie. It’s an intense and sexual Spanish movie that will have you at the edge of your seat.

Same-sex relationships are still criminal in some places in the world, and there is still the struggle for the freedom to marry someone of the same sex in many places were the relationships aren't criminal.

5. “Broken Embraces.”Pedro Almódovar makes it big again in this movie that was nominated for two “Best Foreign Language Film” awards at the Golden Globes and with the Broadcast Film Critics Association. The story is an erotic portrayal of various forbidden romances.

6. “Belle Époque.”The setting of this erotic tale is the build up to the Spanish Civil War. A young soldier who deserts the army has sex with three sisters one-by-one, but soon realizes that it’s the fourth sister that may be the most marriage-worthy.

7. “Against the Wind.”This movie is a blend of erotic scenes involving incest, passion, and obsession. Juan escapes to the Spanish province of Andalusia, but his sister can’t live without him.

Sibling sexual relationships are illegal in many places, and the freedom to marry is even more scarce than for non-sibling same-sex relationships.

Some other films on the list may be of interest, but I wouldn’t know from the descriptions.

I remind my readers that today, Valentine’s Day, you should remember that there are people who still don’t have the freedom to marry, including loving partners living as spouses but banned from marriage under the law because they are same-sex, or close relatives, or more than two people.
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