
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Search of the Day

This is a search that brought someone here...
is sex with a sibling through marriage illegal
It is important to remember that laws vary from country to country, and in the US, laws vary from state to state.

What would be a "sibling through marriage?"

When people marry, they make their siblings in-laws to their spouse. For example, Pedro and Paul get married. Pedro's sister Juanita is now Paul's sister-in-law, and Paul is her brother-in-law. Also, Paul's sister Mary is now Pedro's sister-in-law, and Pedro is Mary's brother-in-law. Some see Mary and Juanita as sisters-in law, and it is legal for them to marry, at least wherever two women can marry. Mary and Pedro would only be able to marry and Paul and Juanita would only be able to marry where polygamy is legal, or if Paul and Pedro divorced first. But then they would no longer be be in-laws. As far as sex, there isn't any place in the US where it is illegal for someone to have sex with their in-law, as far as I know. I'm not an attorney, however.

There are stepsbilings, and they are considered, from a social perspective, siblings through marriage, although laws in most places would not recognize them as siblings unless an adoption made them adoptive siblings. For a simple example, Mike has a son named Greg and Mike marries Carol, who has a daughter named Marcia. This would make Greg and Marcia stepsiblings, meaning siblings by marriage. In most, if not all, jurisdictions, they could legally marry or have sex because they are not considered legal siblings. Although, they would likely face social discrimination, especially if their parents married when they (Greg and Marcia) were very young and they were raised together. In some stepfamilies, there are legal adoptions. For example, Mike becoming the legal father of Marcia through adoption, or Greg becoming the legal son of Carol through adoption. In such cases, there are more likely to be laws barring Greg and Marcia from marrying or even having sex. However, stepsiblings do have sex, perhaps even more than blood and adoptive siblings.

People shouldn't even have to ask these questions when it comes to sex or marriage. The only questions that should matter are:

1) Are they legal adults and legally competent to consent?
2) Do they mutually consent to this?

That should be it. Nothing else should matter. That is why we promote full marriage equality and relationship rights for all.

If you have questions or comments, whether it is about being with your in-laws or stepsiblings, or something else, please contact Keith or comment below. You can comment anonymously, if you'd like.
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