
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Opportunity for GSA-Involved to Help With a Media Project

I was contacted by someone who is working on a media project relevant to people who have been involved with reunion Genetic Sexual Attraction.
My name is Tess, I work at HALAL Docs, the documentary department of a film production company in Amsterdam. I came across your website regarding marriage equality and I am hoping you can help me with the following request. 
For a very special documentary project, made by HALAL Docs, I’m looking for people whose lives have been touched by the Genetic Sexual Attraction phenomenon. 
They are...
...looking for as many people as possible who want to share their story with us, regardless of the format. Our intention is not to make a report but a beautiful, long and good documentary about living with GSA.

While I have a good feeling about this effort, I can't personally vouch for it. You can research the organization for yourself. As always, use caution in media interactions. It would be good if people who've experienced GSA would at least email to discuss what the possibilities are. There are ways of including people in things like documentaries while still protecting them from certain risks and protecting their privacy. And some of you are in places where you're not breaking any laws.

You can email Tess at tess[at]

You are also welcome to contact me for my thoughts about participation and necessary protection, given what your personal situation may be.
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1 comment:

  1. we stand with consanguinamory! we need to stop ignoring consanguinamory!


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