
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

We Get Letters

We get comments that are worth pointing out here. You can leave comments below the entries, including anonymously, or you can write to Keith privately.

A comment was left after an entry on a son's choice in media content.  Anonymous wrote about his love for his mother...

I have had these feelings since I was 14 turning 15. 
I just turned 23 and my mother will be forty in three months. 
This has been going on since late June, a few days before the Fourth of July, a few months after her divorce from her 2nd marriage and my end of duty in the Air Force. 
I had moved back in with my mother after four years. Though initially shocked by discovering my feelings, she  realized this was was something she wanted, too; that my feelings for her were something that no other man had for her or could have for her. The feeling of love as a mother and son, best friends and lovers; especially as her son returning back to her womb. 
To have all this and live as a man and woman together is very powerful, very deep, and intense, something that we could only experience with each other. 
It made her realize that I was always giving subtle hints in a respectful way. As much as I wanted my mother as my woman, I understood that it may not happen. It lead her to act upon her feelings and initiate her seduction. She realized after seeing my social media and reading my desires that it was something that we could do with positive consequences. Even her seduction of me was very positive and deliberately slow.
I am glad it was, that she made me her man "sexually". I was definitely old enough and really knew what I wanted from her. Though she is an extremely attractive woman, she had never found a deep romantic connection with my father, boyfriends, or her second husband, which ended in a very bad divorce.

This and social media made her available and consenting to this, despite the taboo of a mother and son. 
We are willing to live a secret life for this and she tells me that if she became pregnant by me, she would keep the baby. I am willing to make that sacrifice of not having a child. Yet, I do want want one with her and if she really feels this strongly in the near future, I would be willing to have a son or a daughter that is my half brother or sister. The beauty of this happening is worth the risk for her, she has told me many times. 
Like I said it took a while for her to accept this.Yet, if you could see us we have no regrets. Actually,  she wishes she had the same mindset that I had many years ago to have made me her woman years ago. 
It was right after my military boot camp graduation. She had made the trip to see me graduate and we were going home together. During that period she was so proud of me and was giving me extra kisses and hugs that were longer and closer. It was at a time right before she met her second husband. She was very much alone. It was the first time see saw me sexually. She confesses that if I would have gone after her, she surely would have given in at that period of time.

An Anonymous Mother left this comment after an entry on Sons and Daughters Day...
We are a 45 year old mother and 28 year old son that appreciate your commentary, especially about procreating. If we had felt the freedom to pursue our love by society to love, marry, and procreate with each other 10 years ago, when I was 35 and he was 18, we surely would have. 
I was divorced from his father by that time. He had graduated from Marine Corps boot camp. After going through all that he was 100 percent certain that I was the only woman he ever wanted. My feelings were the same. The sexual attraction was the same. The vibe during our time together was very strong. 
Unfortunately, we both dared not, despite the hints I was giving that I looked at him not just as my son that I loved very much. I was also looking at him as him becoming my lover. Unfortunately because of the extreme taboo and the problems, hassles, and complications,we did not act upon our mutual feelings. 
It took us almost eight years later to finally engage in our relationship and live together, after him having two children and a divorce and me having two long term unfulfilled relationships, the whole time secretly only wanting each other. 
In a perfect world my son and I would started our relationship during that time 10 years ago. Today we would have children as well. I definitely would not used birth control. 
Still, we are very happy that it actually did happen. Though not married, we live in a a spousal relationship. He lives in the same house he grew up in with me again. His old bedroom has a bed in it (for show), yet it is really used as a den, along with my ex-husbands den. He has many hobbies, so it all worked out. 
My bedroom is now our bedroom.We truly live as man and a woman. It is nothing to be shameful about. I wanted to become pregnant by my son, yet I have a 4-year-old and 2-year-old grandson, which is enough, I think. At least he got to have children. At 43 I did become pregnant by him, within the 7th week of our sexual relations. I was not trying to get pregnant nor prevent it. It was a very exciting time for us, as well as worrisome and scary. The stress from the emotional turmoil of what we were going to do and get away with this and our baby's life. I was scared of the judgement and consequences of being found out. It definitely caused a miscarriage at 21 weeks. Even though we have accepted what happened, we still think about our baby girl that we lost. I am still not on birth control yet. It does not seem I can become pregnant. I am sure it happened for a reason in the grand scheme of things.
Another Anonymous comment was left after an entry on the Secrets of Siblings...
What he said is correct about more love and trust. I definitely feel this with my sister. 
Nothing else compares for us. though I'm in a different situation. My sister and I are like boyfriend and girlfriend. We want to live like a husband and wife. We have never been more sure. 
The day we acted upon our love was the happiest we both had have been. 
Though I absolutely adore my niece, because she is a part of my sister and I am her uncle, my sister would like to have a child together as well, even if to raise our child indirectly as a sister and uncle. We want our relationship to be permanent. Most of the time I stay at her apartment as a live-in boyfriend, yet I have my own studio. 
She is divorced with a three-year-old girl.So, it is really risky. This started nine months ago. I am 21 and she is 25. I have been sexually attracted to her since a I was a young teenager. I was always her little brother that she adored .She remembers me the day I was born at the hospital. It was just us as siblings and we always had this emotional bond. She has had feelings for me the the last three years. When she saw that I finally left my girlfriend that was not right for me, her feelings became more profound. 
It was actually her that initiated it, after coming to the conclusion that I had the same feelings. Having sexual intercourse made the relationship even better and a lot stronger. 
Weird that we are in love with each other and brother sister, yet it feels very right. The only thing that feels wrong at this point is two consenting adults to not have the freedom to live as couple and become parents.
Last, but not necessarily least, here is something from an Anonymous brother left after an entry on the Truth About Siblings...
My sister always subconsciously knew and so did I. We have wanted to be partners since our mid teens, yet always suppressed it. 
We are now 51 and 49 and finally involved with each other for the last 4 months. 
It started 3 months after her husband died. I have been divorced with a son.She has 2 grandchildren, 2 children, and 2 stepchildren. The children and stepchildren range from 18 to 28. 
At this point we have no hangups or regrets about this, no guilt or shame. We will continue to be in a relationship forever. The only bummer is we cannot have a normal, open relationship because of society. No one can know.  
I am close to all of her stepchildren and biological. We would love for them to know how happy we are, yet that would be impossible in this world. We plan on never being caught and we are planning on living together in the future; that will not be suspicious. Sad, because it the best relationship we have been in, though she had an absolutely lovely relationship with her second husband. What we have with each other is the most powerful intense feeling imaginable. 
She is my sister, best friend, and lover. It is a deeper connection for us. 
We can never marry, though we already know this is a romance that will never end. We never made love with another person the way we do with each other. We enjoy each other's company more than any other lover; touching and the scent of each other. 
The fact that we are related makes it better in every way. To express our love with each other, to bond like this is incredible. Mindblowing!! I am glad that my sister always gave me hints throughout the years. I was not like that, though she knew I always wanted her as a mate. We both suppressed our feelings because of society. 
When I was a young man in the military for 4 years, her letters to me were always with perfume on it. I really did not know what to say or ask her why. During her first marriage is when we became very distant. It was a bad marriage for her.  
During the separation and her divorce, we became very close again and started hanging out again, going to eat and downtown. We both felt our attraction to each other, yet we did not know if we should act upon them. There were talks with hints of wanting me from her. Also, more touches, hugs, and lingering kisses. This year, I found out she would have began a sexual and romantic relationship with me if I would have given her feedback. She even fantasied becoming pregnant by me! Unfortunately, nothing happened. 
She did eventually remarry to a wonderful man, who I liked, and his two sons, too. During their marriage, we still had those feelings. yet she kept them hidden again. Her second husband and her could talk about everything...I mean anything. So he knew how close we were as siblings and her "crazy" thoughts of want to be intimate with me after her divorce from her husband. He understood and said they were normal, that people fantasize on things they would never do in reality, that as a young boy he had a crush on his aunt. A great guy, yet even greater when, towards the end of his life, he realized that my sister's sexual attraction for me and intense feelings were something that were always going to be there, no matter how much she suppressed it, though they had a very strong love for each other. He knew deep down inside it ate her up that she could never pursue a life with me, marriage and children, without major obstacles and problems, that even though she had children and a beautiful second marriage. 
She gave up  n the idea of being with me, only because we are brother and sister, for no other reason. Knowing this, he wanted her to pursue me and have a life with me, if I was still open to it. That was his wish for her. He also gave me many hints in our conversations that I did not process, like I needed to move next to my sister and not live two hours away from her. He asked me,"Don't you want her to take of you?" I kept silent, not knowing what to say. or how to process it. Yet, knowing the truth now, makes my love for her all the more ethical and right. The most natural thing.
It's great that these comments were shared here.

If you are involved, or have been involved, or even just know someone who has been involved in a consanguinamorous relationship, you can tell us about it in the comments below (including anonymously) or by contacting Keith. These relationships are everywhere. Right now, not far from wherever you're reading this, there are consanguineous lovers in the throes of passion. There is no good reason they should be denied their rights or have to hide.
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  1. Great confessions.Great love.

  2. I laud them for being honest and courageous.

  3. LOL WTF is the world coming to????Hard to believe this .Yet,Iam sure it is happening.LAST YEAR My wife and I were on vacation and we happened to see a guy we both grew up with and his sister behaving like a boyfriend and girlfriend.So we know this exists!

    1. You could have confirmed it with them.They could have of course denied.

    2. They made a great couple I believe.

  4. "back to her womb" :that phrase could be taken from a hentai, really. Proves how much those tropes you find in fiction, actually are quite grounded in reality, be it unconsciously...

  5. Did not know so much consensual incest existed in this world!I do not feel alone!My sister and I finally took the plunge on the 21st of december.On her 51st birthday.Iam 49.We have been secretly wanting each other for over 30 years.Iam separated from my wife.My sister has been divorced for 7 years.This is not just a sexual thing for us.We want to be partners.It is so worth it.wE really love each other on a deep level.Even if we have to have a secret life.At this age we figured"Why Not".We have wanted this for ages and gave up our lives wasted on other partners.In a more idealistic world.It would have been my sister I would have had lost my virginity to,married,and made pregnant many times.Unfortunately,We are not living in those times.At this age though.We decided we are not going to keep denying ourselves BECAUSE OF WHAT SOCIETY CLAIMS IS SICK AND WRONG.We are both attractive people(SHE STILL TURNS MENS HEADS) and are the farthest thing from being ugly.So it is not what many people believe about a brother and sister getting together like this is about.fOR US WE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT COMPLETE EACH OTHER.aS STRANGE AS IT SOUNDS.aS LOVERS AND BEST FRIENDS THAT ARE A FULL BLOODED BROTHER AND SISTER.eE HAVE ACCEPTED OUR RELATIONSHIP FOR WHAT IT IS.wE LET GO OF WHAT THE WORLD DICTATES.oNLY REGRETS ARE THAT WE DID NOT ACT UPON OUR IMPULSES A LONG TIME AGO.kNOWING WHAT WE KNOW ,wE WOULD HAVE DEFINITELY WOULD HAVE MOVED TO PORTUGAL OR SPAIN.wHERE WE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN IN TROUBLE FOR MAKING BABIES.aT OUR AGES IT IS NOT HAPPENING.yET HER URGE TO HAVE BEEN MADE PREGNANT BY ME IS INTENSE.wE PLAN TO MAKE THE MOST OF OUR REMAINING LIVES TOGETHER.we HAVE FAITH WHAT WILL BE A BEAUTIFUL HAPPY ENDING FOR US.

    1. Anonymous, thank you so much for commenting, and congratulations on your love. You are definitely not alone. Please do email me (Keith, the blogger here) at fullmarriageequality at ProtonMail dot com


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