
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Search of the Day

A recent search that brought someone here was...

elderly siblings affair
The fact is, there have always been siblings who've been together in the "golden years" of life. Some have always been together. Some are resuming activities in which they engaged in their younger years (perhaps after being forced apart). Some are just getting together for the first time. Although this blog doesn't endorse cheating (breaking the rules of existing relationships), the reality is, some of these are cheating affairs, but many of them aren't. Sometimes these are spousal-style relationships, others are simply siblings-with-benefits, and some fall somewhere on the spectrum between.

I can pretty much guarantee you know elderly siblings who are together. It is that common. You might not even know they are siblings and just think they're a "regular" couple.

Why would siblings who've never been sexual (at least, not beyond childhood "show me yours and I'll show you mine") get involved in their elderly years?

There could be many reasons it happens for any given couple (or triad, etc.) of siblings.

They may have always wanted to get together, but had previously allowed external prejudices or their desire to live monogamously to keep them apart, figuring they needed to find "acceptable" marriage partners and keep a monogamous marriage. Some people, as they age, are less willing to let ridiculous prejudices interfere in their happiness. It becomes easier to keep things closeted if other family members aren't around anymore, such as parents, aunts and uncles, etc. Indeed, some siblings are brought together, both geographically and physically, because of an ill, dying, or passed parent.

In some cases, the siblings didn't even meet until later in life.

Some siblings have lost their other partners to death, divorce, or breakups, and they feel most comfortable with, and perhaps most attracted to, their sibling(s). They might find living together where people know them as siblings to be simple enough, whereas it would be more difficult for them to live with someone else or to find a good fit for marriage in someone new.

There are also those elderly siblings who do have other partners or spouses, but their sexual needs aren't being fulfilled by by those spouses or partnersdue to disability, illness, a lack of desire, or whatever. Their partner may not even be able to communicate lucidly anymore, such as having advanced dementia. So, either in a cheating affair or with their partner's explicit or tacit approval, they get with their sibling(s). This can be done with less likelihood of neighborhood gossips finding out.

Attraction, existing bonds and trust, proximity, and the privacy of being family might all come into play as to what draws elderly siblings together.

There is no good reason elderly siblings shouldn't be free to be together how they mutually agree.

If you are a sibling who is in such a situation or you know others who are, you can comment (as can anyone) below, even anonymously, or you can contact Keith.

Here is some further reading...

Can Siblings Marry?

Sibling Rivalry or Sibling Revelry?

When Middle-Aged Siblings Get Together

The Dynamics of Sibling Relationships

Help For Friends and Family of Consanguinamorous Siblings

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