What’s the reality behind the love affair of the fictional Lannisters?
If you pay attention to television at all (or like funny “honest trailers”), you probably know that Game of Thrones is back for another season and is a very popular choice for viewers.
One of the story elements that attracts much attention is an secret sexual affair between siblings Cersei and Jaime Lannister.
This affair apparently involves cheating, which this blog does not encourage or condone, but this blog does defend consensual incest (consanguinamory) in general, since we are here to promote the rights of all adults, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or class to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (or any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults, regardless of number of partners, kinship, consanguinity, or affinity. For our purposes right now, that translates to us supporting the rights of adult siblings, whether they are adoptive siblings, stepsiblings, half-siblings, or full-blood siblings, to have sex with each other, live together, or marry, if that’s what they want.
It doesn’t matter if someone else thinks it is disgusting. If it is what they want; they should be allowed.
There aren’t any rational arguments, consistently applied to all relationships, as to why siblings should be denied their rights.
This is not merely and academic discussion or a debate about fictional characters. Real people are harmed by prejudice against them, even though they themselves are not hurting anyone.
Experimentation, flings, even lifelong spousal relationships are much more common between siblings than many people realize. There are a surprisingly large number of people out there who, paradoxically, think they are alone. I guarantee you know siblings who are, or have been, involved. If that creeps you out, well, try to think through and realize that even if you are not attracted to (or are repulsed by, or were abused by) your sibling(s), that isn’t the case for everyone. If, on the other hand, you want to know what you can do to make the world a little better for people who face persecution and even prosecution, see here.
Again, I’m talking about consensual interaction here, not molestation or assault.
If you’re interested in more fiction about sibling consanguinamory, Diane Rinella wrote an engrossing and empathetic series that I can’t recommend more strongly.
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