John said it is wrong, writing...
And we call those Discredited Arguments #1 and 21.
Kind of sick IMO. There is no shortage of willing partners outside the home why would you stoop so low?
Drebi is an ally...
Regardless of my personal stance on the matter, I believe that competent, consenting *Human* adults should be able to engage in whatever activities they want, so long as it does not (directly and unnessecarily) contribute to the detriment of humanity.VampFreak13 is not...
Incest is normally applied to close family relatives...first and second mostly...this closeness can cause deformities in offspring...not to mention the fact that is is not socially well as morally wrong...yes is history it has happened but that still does not make it right... :)Discredited Arguments #2, 4, and 18.
Drebi adds...
Excellent!Actually, incest of even close genetic relatives (siblings, parent/child) does not tend to cause any more mutations than when a female smoker aged 35 decides to breed.
Interracial relationships were not always (and in some places are still not) considered socially acceptable and were/are considered immoral. That doesn't necessarily mean it was/is wrong.
Slavery and the owning of women was at one point (and in some places still is) considered socially acceptable and moral. That doesn't necessarily mean it was/is right.
The only time society should intervene in others' lives is when it involves children, non-human animals and non-consesual/competent adults.
Last I checked the poll, there were some allies and the rest of anti-equality people, as usual, just invoked their persona disgust, which doesn't make consanguinamory wrong. So again, we see that there is no good reason to discriminate against people who have consanguineous sex or relationships.
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