
Friends of Lily

Friends of Lily are people who have experienced consanguinamory, which is erotic or romantic love with a close blood relative. "Lily" is chosen from Diane Rinella's character in her novels, Love's Forbidden Flower and the sequel, Time's Forbidden Flower, which provide an unflinching, painfully realistic, and ultimately uplifting portrayal of a consanguinamorous sibling relationship.

As Christina Shy, who created the Lily symbol, notes...
Red – Representing the blood that binds us together in this rare opportunity of “double love”.
Green - Has an emotional correspondence with safety, used in relation to the safety of being with family. It also represents endurance, as our relationships must endure so much discrimination and hate from those people that can’t or won’t understand.

Purple - Represents the mystery and magic of our relationships and is a rare color in nature. We are the rare few in this world who were presented with this opportunity of “double love” and we are rarer still as we are the few who had the courage to seize this most opportunity.

Black - Represents the mystery our relationships are shrouded in due to the oppressive laws we must live and love under.

The circle represents the circle of the family, lover, best friend, and soul mate. The circle is our relationships come full circle.
Keith Pullman of this blog penned the following about the Lily symbol...
Sealed with blood, a love that’s doubled
A red-hot bond, but lovers troubled
A garden of lilies, a crimson flower
A stalk of purple, of royals and power.

Leaves of green, for assurance enduring
Mysterious rarity, attraction alluring
Courage to challenge taboos on affection
The forbidden reinforced by prejudiced rejection.

Hidden and shrouded in shadows of black
Pain and pleasure, withstanding attack
Lovers entwined with soulmate sensations
Family and friends, more intense in relations.

The Lily symbol is beautiful and still obscure enough that it can be used in displays, tattoos, jewelry, on clothing, and elsewhere as a signal to other Friends of Lily and allies without definitively outing yourself to those who would inflict hatred; if a hateful person knows what the symbol means, you can pretend you didn't know and you simply thought it was a nice image.

You can find graphic files at Jane Doe's blog. Both the image and the poetry were created to be widely used by anyone who is positive towards consanguinamory and consanguinamorists.

Further use of the Lily name will be applied to dwellings and properties friendly to consanguinamorists, which will be called Lily Pads. If you manage such a property or establishment, write us as fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

There are other possible symbols that might be appropriate for this civil rights movement, such as the mongoose or molecules with double bonds.

Here is a possible pride flag...

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1 comment:

  1. I wish I had seen this page a lot earlier. Somehow I missed it. I love the poem and the flag. ( I would like to have the flag for Ciaotannia. It's great! )


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