
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Sharing Affection Doesn't Have to Be Limited

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Anonymous asked:

I go to a message board that is for lgbt people (but mostly lesbian & bi women). There was one user that got piled on because she said that as a lesbian the only man she would feel comfortable being intimate with was her dad. She did NOT even say she had done it, just that she would not say no to the idea. I might direct other users to this blog so they can learn not all sex is based on sexual attraction. A lesbian being intimate with her father has nothing to do with “sexual orientation”.

Here's my response...

It’s too bad she was attacked for being honest about a natural desire or possibility.

People share sex for many valid reasons in addition to sexual orientation.

Do people honestly think that, when a relationship has lasted decades, that everyone in the relationship has been sexually attracted to the other person(s) each and every time they’ve had sex over those decades? Heck no! But sometimes they do it for other reasons, like wanting to share affection with that person, and usually, they’ve all had a great time as a result.

It’s up to each individual whether or not they consent. If they do consent, nobody else should interfere. If they don’t consent, they shouldn’t be coerced into participating. If someone generally attracted to women consents to share affection with a man, that’s not a problem.

Who better to experiment with or share affection with than someone with whom you already have a bond of love?

Always feel free to send people my way.
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  1. agreed with this article.

  2. I totally agree with the title of this. Affection doesn't have to be limited and you do what feels right at the time.

  3. How does this make sense though? If the woman is a lesbian and she has an orgasm having sex with her father it means she liked it. I think it’s more accurate to say she is bisexual.

    1. Hi, obviously there is a possibility of being bi but having sex with an family member can be more than just attraction. Its a feeling of closeness and affection and even experimentation. Like the title says affection doesn't have to be limited and this is so true (not Keith btw)


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