
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Consanguinamory Is Definitely Not Abuse

Anonymous submitted this at this blog's sister Tumblr...

As a survivor of abuse by a relative I find it insulting when people compare situations like mine to consang relationships. To compare my trauma to a loving relationship. I fully support consang relationship and don't understand people who look at them and see what happened to me.

It wasn't them being my family that made them abusive it was their abusive behaviour. Blaming abuse on two people being related takes the blame away from the abusers and fails to recognise their actions.

Lurking in the consang community has helped me come to terms with my abuse. I had a lot of self hatred as I have felt attracted to family members at times and hated myself for becoming like my abuser but the community has helped me recognise that those feelings are miles away from abuse. So thank you to the online community for HELPING a survivor.

Here was my reply...


This. This is an example of why I do what I do. I don’t accept payments. I don’t use advertising to get money. What I do is a labor of love, to help people. Letters like this are my reward.

Anonymous, I’m so sorry you were abused.

I’m so glad I and others have been some help to you.

Thank you so much for your support.

Thank you for your clarity and truth.

Thank you for reaching out with your comments.

Please feel free to write to me anytime.

You are a survivor. You are overcoming. More power to you!

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  1. consanguinamory not abuse? agreed. of course consanguinamory isn't that abusive plus its not so bad at all.

  2. Thank you Keith for making this article!


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