
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

We Get Letters

Every once in a while we feature some of the correspondence we've received. We will never publish private information in which you are identified unless you give us permission. There are many ways to contact Keith, and of course you can comment on entries of this blog, including anonymously. 

These are from comments that were left on this blog. Only one has a "name" chosen by the person commenting. The rest are simply anonymous. 

This was left after an entry about how "incest" can be consensual and positive.

I was in a sexual relationship with my sister for six years through high school and starting college.

Sounds lovely!

It ended when my mother walked in on us. She was outraged and told us we had to stop or she would cut ties with us. She also forced us to keep it a secret.

That's too bad. The secrecy could have been for your own protection, but threatening you was a terrible thing to do.

We are also now both married (to other people) but meet up for time together when we can. I have never felt passion for a woman like I have for my beautiful sister, and it pains me that society forces us to be apart and to hide our relationship from the world and our family.

It's ridiculous that anyone would have to hide their love.

In a modern world, with birth control, there is no need for these antiquated ideals.

With genetic screening and modern science, we're in a much better situation than the past.

I have never talked about this before - with anyone - and it feels truly incredible to share it. Even if it has to be anonymously.

That's one of the great things about this blog. People can share! You won't get judged. We celebrate the beauty of consanguineous love.

This is another comment on the same entry...

Me and my half sister are deeply in love and have been for two years. It has been rough but the good outweighs the bad. I can't imagine life without her and we've both tried. I am 13 years older. 20 and 34. She feels the same. I've never said anything to anyone until now.

I'm glad to you finally said something!

This comment was left on an entry about Consanguinamory and Reproduction...

Aunt-Nephew couple here. We have two wonderful, healthy and happy sons together.


My daughter and I have been in a together for a year and half now.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was not around when she was raised.... She got married had two kids... After her divorce, she moved in with me and things went from there. As of now, I consider her my wife at home and in.public, which is hard at times.

The consanguinamorous life usually not easy, but if it works out, people do find it worth the trouble.

On recent entry about how we know what we know, this comment was left...

I wish this blog was available years ago when i was living with my mum (as an adult). I wanted to approach my mum for sex but never knew how to go about it or where to start. Sometimes I would see opportunities but talk myself out of it.

Well, we're here now.

"Mother and son living in bliss" wrote on this entry about mothers and sons...

Yes!! Our lives have changed in a considerable way since my son and I first made love. Since that October night last year, we have made love many times. Every chance we have. At least once a day.

It is very intense and pleasant... the purest love and highest sexual ecstasy that one can possibly imagine.

We already had a very close mother and son relationship, with a very strong emotional bond. Loving each other as woman and a man was a very natural transition for us. Almost a year later, we live together as a husband and wife, an unspeakable secret that is totally worth it for us.
This blog is great! Reading every post I've read, I feel I'm not alone. I have a deep relationship with my aunt. She is my friend, lover, partner... I'm gonna talk with her about this beautiful place.

The more, the merrier!

Responding to Confidential to Chase...

I am a 29 year-old man in a similar situation with my 48 year-old mother... My mother found out my romantic feelings and sexual attraction to her, too... These thoughts came from growing up alone with her as a single mother. We were very close. My mother was always everything to me. Once I hit puberty, I secretly wanted to have her as my wife and to make a baby with her... We live together as spouses in secret...

Lucky them!

And another left on the "positive" entry...

I was involved secretly with a cousin during my teen years. She lived in another state and would come to visit from out of state in the summer and we'd have a nice time together. Things happened and she stopped coming to visit. We went on with our lives, married other people, she had kids, etc. She got divorced, then later, the same happened to me. She got my number from another sibling and called me to offer support and we started talking again regularly. 

She came to visit and it was just like old times. Since COVID started, we haven't been seeing each other, but we still talk. What hurts the most is I later found out we could have legally married since we are third cousins once-removed, since in all U.S. states, there are no restrictions on marriage beyond second cousins. Even with it being legal, I know our families would have ostracized us completely. We don't know what we're going to do, but we do like spending time together and have some real feelings for each other. If COVID ever ends, we'll have to figure out what, if anything we're going to do with this.

Don't be shy! You can comment anonymously and contact Keith privately.
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  1. we need to stop hiding our relationships and be proud of our relationships!

    1. One should be proud of having found true love, no doubt but our society isn't ready to accept incest yet.
      People ridicule or hate what they don't understand.
      Therefore, it's better to be careful and enjoy in private.

  2. Hi, I am a 46 year old mother who is in a spousal relationship with my 27 year old son. I have 2 younger kids from his father and one from him. His father died few years ago. My son was more of a father figure to younger kids than his dad as he is much older than them and also he helped me take care of them when his father was working and travelling a lot. After his father died we became intimate. I truly love him and even though he is my son and younger than me in age, I kind of respect him. This pandemic situation was also a great test of our relationship and I think we successfully passed it as a couple and parents of younger kids. He proposed me recently about two weeks ago and I couldn't help but sharing the news here. Hope the blessing of readers of this blog will be with us and our family.

    1. Congratulations on your love and everything else, and thanks for commenting on my blog! Please contact me privately. I want to keep tin touch. Email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

    2. Can your son support you finansiel and how white your child white him

    3. I am very happy about you finding love and support within the family.It's now very obvious that he is a responsible person to be a father figure to the younger children and I am sure he is going to look after all well.
      All women are beautiful but you must be very pretty too so as to get any man as your partner but he probably wouldn't have looked after all.
      I would like to know, if you have the time and inclination, how did it begin between the two of you.
      Relatiinships are truly made in heaven.
      Best luck


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If you want to write to me privately, then either contact me on Facebook, email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com, or tell me in your comment that you do NOT want it published. Otherwise, anything you write here is fair game to be used in a subsequent entry. If you want to be anonymous, that is fine.

IT IS OK TO TALK ABOUT SEX IN YOUR COMMENTS, BUT PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY AS I WANT THIS BLOG TO BE AS "SAFE FOR WORK" AS POSSIBLE. If your comment includes graphic descriptions of activity involving minors, it's not going to get published.