
Monday, May 11, 2020

Good For Mom

Quora can be a good place to ask and answer questions and learn new things. I'm there and so is friend of Full Marriage Equality Ewen Owen, who recently answered  this question: "How is it good  for me to have sex with my mother?"

On her side:
  • She will have a lover who she can trust more than any other man.
  • She will experience double love with you, familial and erotic.
  • She will have sex that is better than she ever dreamed was possible.
  • She will not have to worry about her lover getting bored with her.
  • She will have the fun of being in a taboo relationship with you.
  • She will have as much sex as she wants, without having to date.
  • She will not be at any risk from random creeps.
  • She will love you in a whole new way.
  • She will not risk contracting STDs.
  • She can have fun trying new things in bed with you.

Excellent answer! 

A consanguinamorous relationship brings all the usual benefits of sex and many of the benefits of other relationships, but also so much more.

There are many benefits for the mother. There are also many for the son or daughter. Consider things carefully.

If you can think of, or have experienced, such benefits, feel free to comment with them below.
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  1. Replies
    1. Hope that you will join us at Kindred Spirits. See link.

  2. These are exactly the reasons I want to become involved with my sister.She is 49 and Iam 51.She has been telling me that she is very unhappy in her 2nd marriage.That she no longer loves him.Honestly,I cannot figure out my sister.When I was in the military she used to sent me letters with perfume on them.Years later when she was married I slept over in the living room.In the middle of the night I was in the bathroom.she walked in totally nude not knowing I was in there silenty masturbating.It was about 330 in the morning.So maybe she thought it was okay to run to the bahroom.she was very calm about seeing me and me seeing her totally nude.she just said oh I have to pee.I remember her not seeming to mind that I was staring at her public hair and breasts.I never forgot her staring at me and giving me a cute smile too.we have never spoken about this.she was 27 and I was 28.Years when she was divorced from her 1st husband.She was physically touching me the whole time at a family wedding.The best thing was when she surprised me with a hug from behind and was kissing me on my ear.Telling me she wanted to dance with me.She was 38 at that time. NOW SHE IS MARRIED FOR THE SECOND TIME AND IS ALWAYS TALKING BAD ABOUT THE 2ND HUSBAND.THAT HE IS HORRIBLE AND THEY HAVING NOTHING IN COMMON.I WOULD NEVER MAKR A PLAY FOR HERshe would really have to do it.just because these feelings are so taboo and forbidden.She would
    D basically have to seduce zshe does want me to move out of nyc to be nearby by her.I told her I wanted to move out of state maybe.Her reply was no you cant.I asked why and she asked don't you want me to take care of you?well, I feel all those reasons stated would be good for both of us.Only bad thing that we would have to be secret lovers.No one would accept it or understand. SOCIETY OR FAMILY.I wish we could be boyfriend and girlfriend.YET it seems impossible.Even I know she has fantasized about me

    1. How many more signs do you need? Sounds like you need to have a serious talk with her. Please feel free to email me about this at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

  3. In love with sisterMay 17, 2020 at 8:38 PM

    Iam not sure Keith.Right now the only thing that I can do is be there for her.She is married still.She lives with her second husband.Plus,2 of her adult kids live with her.A grandchild and her stepsons.She may not be in love with him or feel connected.YET it is not easy either.she probably feels a little strange immoral and disgusted for these feelings.I feel that way too.At
    Least half of the time.we could never live as a couple.At
    Least in the present time. Or never ever reveal our relationship to anyone.Yet still i cannot imagine anything being so loving and tender. She lives about an hour we do not always get to see each other.yet when we do there is alays this feeling.I just want to hug her tight and never let go.I wish I did not have these feelings.I would love her more than either husband yet I can't because we are brother and sister she could never say this is my brother and my sometimes I think it would be better to get this out of my head.yet it is not always easy when she posts things like when we were babies she used to bite me because she loved me or telling me how handsome Iam.OR awesome.or bad mouthing her own husband over the phone to me with him present.saying that the next man she is with she will not marry yet he will be the love of her life.the latest thing that happened was her calling me at almost one in the morning.She told she wanted to see how was doing.YET the whole it sounded like she was falling asleep.talking slow and not saying much.I was doing most of the talking When I asked her if she was tired she said "Not at all".That she was just listening to me.Yet still sounded fatigued and talke6 very slow.YET when i said goodnight her voice did not sound tired at all.She said goodnight and said I love you.Weird??Iam almost certain she was playing with herself while listening to me.Iam trying not to dwell on this too much.

    1. I’m sorry you’re so conflicted about this. If you’d like to write me privately, you can email me at fullmarriageequality at ProtonMail dot com

  4. In love with sisterMay 17, 2020 at 10:52 PM

    Iam sorry too!She just texted me telling me she finds it difficult to be happy.That he is a very negative person.of course happiness comes from within you not outside of you.YET this obviously is not a good relationship.she is not happier with him than she was before him or the first husband.she needs someone she can be friends with and be herself with.from the time we were in the 7th and 8th till she met her first husband.We had that with each other.Iam glad she is confiding in me.I feel we can regain what we had with each other many years ago.

  5. Thanks for the plug, Keith! I have enjoyed reading your comments on Quora too.

  6. I want to have sex with my mom and I think she is OK too. But the problem is that I think we both are cheating on my father/her husband if it happens. What should we do? Should we tell my father about our intentions?

    1. Anonymous, please feel free to email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

      Cheating means breaking the rules. Your mother will know if your father would consider this cheating or not, because the rules are between them. Many married people have rules that allow for other sexual partners.

    2. I'm 22 year old female just graduated from college. I'm in a spousal relationship with my dad and my mom knows about it. Me and mom have our own time with him, no threesome. My 17 year old brother is also attracted to my mom but she is not prepared for it but she may have feelings for him too. Me and my brother have no sexual feelings towards each other. I had experimented with my cousins (male and female) when I was younger but that was limited to kissing and touching nothing more.

    3. Anonymous, that's interesting! Congrats on your love. Thanks for sharing that on my blog. I'd like to discuss this with you more. You can email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

    4. Hi,Keith! I WROTE to you in cutting chase blog.It is very good for my 48 year old mother and her 29 year old son.The very best choice for us.People should realise not all incest is immoral.What we are doing is absolutely right.Experiencing such a tremendous amount of joy that we do.It would have been a regret for my mother.If she did not act upon her feelings.Iam glad she had the courage to look behind what the world says a mother and son cannot do.Plus,she knew it was the perfect timing.At this stage it is so easy to live together and keep our secret.No one suspects at all.My mother is twice divorced and Iam a divorced father.Which also means we have zero regrets.That we might have had if it happened in my late teens.SO having sex is good with my mother.Yet,even better because of the right time it happened.

  7. This was beautifully written. I am not in a consanguineous relationship, but learning from others who are, including sons and mothers online, I can see why such a bond is so strong. A love between a mother and a son, free of restrictions of how they can express their love for each other, is wonderfully erotic yes. But I've seen that it is also quite possibly the purest, most powerful love imaginable. And I take it that such love is also just as strong between siblings and other relatives in consanguineous relationships.


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