
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Novel for Consideration and Review

If you’re into fiction with consanguinamory, you might want to check out a story on Amazon. Here is what the author told me (below). Please leave a review at Amazon or Goodreads or at least email her to let her know what you think. -K


Dear Keith,

As you may recall, I published Forbidden: Our Secret Love--a beautiful story of love between two adult half-siblings--twenty months ago.

Since I published Forbidden I've been stunned by the pervasiveness of incestaphobia in our society. I cannot comprehend what creates so much disgust, hatred and fear over a loving relationship between two consenting adults! Forbidden is continually attacked by reviewers on Amazon and Goodreads despite a very clear warning in the blurb about the subject matter. On May 14th, a reviewer wrote, "This author is sick. Brother sister sexual relations. It doesn't get much worse than this. I think this is autobiographical. It was pro-incest propaganda." One star.

This hurts. Forbidden is a story that came from my heart, because I truly believe that love takes many forms, and none are worthy of condemnation. Beyond my personal feelings, these negative reviews are hurting my reputation as an author. Readers who love my other books are so disgusted by the incest in Forbidden that they'll probably never read another book written by me. As a professional writer, I'm tempted to unpublish the book for this reason. It would break my heart to give up and give in to hate, because I believe in what you and others in the community are doing.

I don't know if you've read Forbidden, but if so, I would deeply appreciate some input from you and/or other consangs. Above all, is the book an accurate portrayal of a consanguinous relationship? Because if it isn't, I either need to make some changes or delete it altogether. I would welcome comments from the consang community at my author's email address: ‪‬.

Thanks for all you are doing, and for taking the time to read this lengthy email.

I really need input from folks other than incestaphobes before I decide what to do about this beautiful book that does not deserve all the negativity it's receiving.

I've changed the Kindle price to .99 and attached a link to Amazon. Thanks.


Elise Quinn Larson

Forbidden: Our Secret Love: The Larson Family Saga, Book 2 by [Elise Quinn Larson]
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1 comment:

  1. heard about cousins in love in literature but not other family members in love in literature!


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