
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We Get Letters From the Consanguinamorous

One of the great things about having this blog is the contact from people relieved to find they aren't alone or want to share what has been going on in their life, and they don't have many places to go.

You can leave a comment below, including anonymously, or there are other ways to contact me.

This comment was left after a recent entry, So Much Time At Home...

Mom and I have started having sex because of the lockdown. I basically joked that we'd have to end up f---ing each other because we couldn't go out and see anyone, and she said 'we could do that'. I've always thought about it before as a fantasy, but the reality of it is incredible. She's still my parent, we're still very much mother and son, but being so intimate with each other is awesome. Really the only thing I regret is that we hadn't done it sooner.
Congrats, Anonymous! I would like to hear more from you. Please do get in touch.

I hear that over and and over again. "We wish we had started sooner." Just see below.

I'm not one to say sexual affection should only take place within a long term romance. While much consanguineous sex is within such romances, sometimes it is more like "family-with-benefits" and a stress reliever or recreational activity, and that's OK as long as everyone consents and agrees. But don't be surprised if a romance does come from it. Or maybe it will stay casual.

Another Anonymous left this...

Did not know so much consensual incest existed in this world! I do not feel alone!
You are not alone.
My sister and I finally took the plunge on the 21st of December, on her 51st birthday. I am 49.
We have been secretly wanting each other for over 30 years. I am separated from my wife. My sister has been divorced for 7 years.This is not just a sexual thing for us. We want to be partners. It is so worth it. We really love each other on a deep level. Even if we have to have a secret life. At this age we figured "Why Not". We have wanted this for ages and gave up our lives wasted on other partners. In a more idealistic world. It would have been my sister I would have had lost my virginity to, married, and made pregnant many times. Unfortunately, we are not living in those times. 

We are working on that.

We plan to make the most of our remaining lives together.
I hope you do!

"Unknown" commented on this page...
I thank you for this blog. As I am in a consang relationship, with my half brother. We have had issues along the way. He was put up for adoption at birth. I never knew he existed until I was 21, when he located our mother. Our attraction started immediately. We did what we could to fight it. Now some 19 years later, we have fully embraced us and our love for one another. Our story is full of ups and downs, as I am sure many are. We are at the point now that we have to "act" like siblings when we are around family, we are finding it harder to do so as time passes and our relationship grows. 
I have enjoyed reading through this blog and will most certainly pass it on to my other half. Knowing we are not freaks and not alone is very comforting. Some day we hope that our laws will change so we can live as a couple, just like everyone else.
Letters like this warm our hearts. Unknown added privately...
I love him the same as I loved my husband of many years, but more deeply I feel because he is my brother too and it compounds the love I feel on yet another level. 
I must say, I gave never regretted falling in love with my brother, and have no regrets of being sexually or romantically involved with him.  It's been 3 years now and I love him as much now as always.
So good to see!

Finally, here's an Anonymous comment left after one of the many interviews posted to this blog...
I'm a married mother 53 years old. Two children one son 28 and one daughter from him 7 years old. I'm still married to his father but we are not physically intimate long time. At first he didn't know and my relationship with my son started as an affair, but eventually I let my husband know and he accepted it. We set few rules so that we can live in the same house and wouldn't violate each other's privacy or cause humiliation. I think it worked out perfectly so far.
We are all for ethical nonmonogamy.

We want to keep in contact with all of these people, and if you're in a similar situation, or are thinking about getting into one, or used to be in one, or you have questions or you're an ally, feel free to contact me.
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  1. Good to know that the COVID lockdown has a positive Side! And congratulations to the new mom-son couple and all others who get together.

  2. Echoing congrats to the new consang couple! May there be many more!

  3. My mother and I have been involved for a long time. Being at home more has given us more time with each other, and having some great sex along the way. It isn't just sex with us though, we have a special relationship that has mother/son elements, but so much else too. Hope the new couple is as happy as we are.

    1. Congrats on your love and thanks for commenting. I would like to discuss this further with you. If you're willing, please email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

  4. Keit, you are giving a hope to the people.

  5. This blog is great! Reading every post I've read, I feel I'm not alone. I have a deep relationship with my aunt. She is my friend, lover, partner... I'm gonna talk with her about this beautiful place.

    1. Congrats on your life. I'd like to hear from both of you. Please feel free to email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.


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If you want to write to me privately, then either contact me on Facebook, email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com, or tell me in your comment that you do NOT want it published. Otherwise, anything you write here is fair game to be used in a subsequent entry. If you want to be anonymous, that is fine.

IT IS OK TO TALK ABOUT SEX IN YOUR COMMENTS, BUT PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY AS I WANT THIS BLOG TO BE AS "SAFE FOR WORK" AS POSSIBLE. If your comment includes graphic descriptions of activity involving minors, it's not going to get published.