
Monday, March 13, 2017

Listen to This Podcast Right Now

Our dearest friend Cristina Shy bravely appeared on the "Nothing Off Limits" podcast to talk about her activism and her own experiences with Genetic Sexual Attraction and consanguinamory. If you've been experiencing something similar, or if you're curious about these topics, you should listen.

Way to, go, Cristina! A big thanks to everyone at for doing this.

Since this blog is mentioned in the podcast and you might have found yourself here as a result, please see this.

Other good friends of ours have appeared on the radio before, not too long ago. Give a listen her here and both of them here.

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  1. This is great! We need more interviews like this to show the public there's nothing weomg with Consanguinamory or consanguineous relationships, that we simply want equal rights like everyone else and that we're not freaks or perverts.

  2. I've just heard much of this interview. I was appalled at the way the 'expert' was so dismissive of the idea that consensual sex between adults who were of the same family, in this case between siblings, was due to some deeply hidden trauma that could be found if she dug deeply enough. The whole tone of the programme was that incest mostly involved sexual abuse of children and was thus a criminal activity. Scant regard was given to GSA. A BIG disappointment, in my opinion.


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