
Friday, June 25, 2021

Myth: Anyone Experiencing GSA Needs Therapy

Reality: Therapy won’t always be necessary, but since there is so much prejudice against those who experience Genetic Sexual Attraction, someone who is experiencing it might benefit from therapy.

Experiencing GSA is not an indication that anything is wrong with the person experiencing it. GSA is a normal, natural reaction to the circumstances.

Being reunited with, or introduced to, a close genetic relative who hasn’t been in your life can be enough to prompt therapy, depending on the situation. Add GSA, and yes, therapy can be helpful.

The prejudices, stigmas, and taboos involved in GSA situations, internalized by those involved or not, can be enough of a burden to make therapy beneficial.

However, not everyone who experiences GSA needs therapy. Some people who experience GSA continue to function well without having had therapy.

If someone does need therapy, it would be helpful if they weren’t ostracized or criminalized, and could find a therapist familiar with the issues involved. This is one reason we need to bring GSA and consanguinamory out of the shadows.

See Myth: Only Someone Who Was Abused or Neglected Experiences GSA

See Myth: GSA is Unnatural
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  1. What everyone needs to understand is that GSA is normal just like Keith wrote. But what people don't realize is that there really is someone involved here that does need therapy. The fact of the matter folks is that we should not be concerned with what our neighbor does or doesn't do. It doesn't concern us in any way shape or form. If you are confronted by someone who thinks that you need therapy because you are GSA then understand that they suffer from something that is called Obsession. Obsession is a condition that can be treated successfully. And as Keith said it, "If someone does need therapy, it would be helpful if they weren’t ostracized or criminalized, and could find a therapist familiar with the issues involved."
    So whenever you are confronted by someone that thinks that you need therapy for being GSA understand that you are normal and that there is nothing wrong with you. Don't let anyone confuse you into thinking that they are normal and that you aren't.

    Obsession. It's not just a Perfume!


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