
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Mock Movie Trailer Isn’t Bad

Consanguinamory gets played for laughs a lot, often cruelly. But this mock trailer for a comedy about a brother and sister couple isn’t bad.

Too bad the movie doesn’t really exist. It could could open some minds.
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  1. I relate to this because this is kind of how my brother and I got together. He and I are twins and we've always been close, but one night we got closer.

    He had to undergo treatments for cancer so I spent a lot of time helping him out sometimes cooking for him, taking him to appointments, etc.

    One night I had him over at my apartment and we ended up talking about our relationship woes and what we wanted in a partner. I realized what I wanted was someone like him and he wanted someone like me. We started making out on the couch and ended up in bed spending the night together.

    After that, we started spending more time together as both brother and sister and as a couple and realized we were happy with each other. We decided to stop looking for others and find a way to be together.

    He beat cancer and we eventually bought a house and moved in together and have been happy ever since. We have to keep it a secret, but that's a small price to pay for happiness.

    I wonder what would happen if this movie really got made?

    1. How beautiful! Thanks for sharing that with us. I'd love to talk with you privately. Please email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

    2. Just lovely!

  2. We so need a film like this! A Simple Favour is good film which features the main character having sex with her brother. Let's not forget Game of Thrones which has incest in it and also Carnival Row too.


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