
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Double Entendres In Classic Ads

Someone brought this advertisement, apparently from the mid-1980s, to my attention.

What do you think?

As the person who shared this with me pointed out, companies like that one knew exactly what they were doing. They’d been advertising for decades. 

They and their advertising agency carefully crafted this advertisement to appeal on two levels:

1. To the broader audience of readers who will simply glance at it and think about how enjoyable those candy bars are, quickly moving on.

2. To the sons who’ve thought about their mothers as sexual partners, to the mothers who’ve thought the same thing about their sons, to those who’ve been active with each other, and to the other people who get aroused thinking about that. 

At the time, some of the most popular adult video titles and adult book titles were fictional portrayals of mothers and sons being together. This was before websites and smart phone apps. There were some premium pay television channels, magazines, and some brick-and-mortar video/bookstores. 

 These companies knew exactly what they were doing, and it was effective.
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  1. There are some other examples of ads that use incest themes to attract eyeballs. For instance, the famous Folger’s coffee ad featuring a brother and sister.

    And an Australian VISA ad, featuring a son bursting in on his father painting a nude painting of his mother.

    And there’s also an advertising term, “marketing incest,” but it doesn’t have the same meaning.

    As they say in Hollywoood, all publicity is good.

  2. Its certainly suggestive

  3. Hi, I'm new to this site. I am in an incestuous relationship with my mother. After five years, I can now say the word "incestuous" without shame, but as a fact. We are both consensual adults but we continue to live in the shadows. Society's laws need to change because we are not hurting anybody. When we first got together I was in my late 20s and still dating a lot but I always thought my mother was attractive. My mother has been divorced almost all of my life and she never found someone she was to willing to marry. We both happened to be "in between" relationships when one night when I was visiting her, she said, "You can stay here tonight" in a tone of voice that I will never forget and which was very different. I kind of instantly knew what was happening and had felt some energy between us ever since I had gotten into my 20s. Well, things happened and I learned that it can get complicated very quickly if there is a pregnancy. I wish there was a community somewhere specifically for mothers and sons in relationships so that I could have been a little more prepared for this journey. There is an instant bond and love like no other relationship. Hard to explain. And I won't lie, the sex is great. Always has been. Anyhow, I see this ad for what it is and have seen other similar ones. I wonder if there is a secret agenda to normalize these relationships as healthy. If so, then I support that.

    1. Anonymous, congrats on your love, thanks for sharing that, and please email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

  4. If they intentionally gave the advertisement incestuous undertones they would have made the mom hotter. Sex sells better when it’s sexy. Then again it’s common wisdom to use attractive people for advertisements in general so maybe this one just wasn’t well made. It looks like a magazine ad, so it’s probably not very high budget. They didn’t even bother to make the whole thing in color.

    Though now that you’ve brought up the topic of incestuous advertising I will probably notice it more. It makes sense that ads would try to subtly cater to our hidden desires. Maybe they’ve been doing this all along and the Folgers ad was just too blatant and we noticed it. If enough people have secret or subconscious lust for their mothers or sisters then advertisers will try to exploit that.


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