
Monday, April 5, 2010

There is More Love

We’re adding the Loving More Polyamory Blog to our listings. According to the website,

Loving More® is a national not for profit corporation, educational website, online community and magazine dedicated to support and education of polyamory and polyamorous issues, supporting the polyamorous community both nationally and internationally for more than twenty two years.

Loving More Mission:

To educate people about and support polyamory as a valid choice in loving relationships and family lifestyle.

They say they believe:

Loving relationships and healthy families can come in many beautiful and valid forms. How people choose to experience relationships and love is an individual and personal choice. Through education about polyamory and other relationship or love styles, we hope to allow people the freedom to be open and honest about their personal love and relationship choices, without fear of the prejudice or hardships that being non-traditional can bring. Through education, publicity and research, we intend to open the door to freedom and safety for those who choose polyamory as individuals and as families.

That sounds like it fits right in with our fight for full marriage equality.

The polyamory aspect of my friends’ relationship seems to enhance the relationships between everyone. We know this because while Linda and Melissa were already experiencing a profound love as a consanguineous pair, beyond what they previously imagined possible, when Matthew found them, the addition of his love seemed more than what either woman had experienced with a man before, and it added to their love for each other.
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