
Friday, July 15, 2022

A Chance to Speak Up Anonymously

UPDATE: I'm calling attention to this again and adding some clarification from the person who contacted me offering this opportunity.

She says if you contact her, she would conduct an anonymoys, off-the-record chat to learn about your situation. 

You are welcome to contact her directly and remain anonymous. 

Here's another possible opportunity to raise awareness of consanguinamory.

Currently being developed is a series of short films for online broadcast. The series will feature interviews with contributors who, wearing various masks to conceal their faces (and voice changes where needed), discuss a range of topics or provide confessions which they would otherwise feel unable to reveal or discuss.  
The intention of the series is to enable people to talk openly about real issues and events which otherwise go undiscussed or buried. 

I was contacted specifically about finding people willing to talk anonymously about their experiences with consanguinamory. 

Whether your situation is/was a reunion GSA relationship or you were raised together or by one another, they'd be interested in hearing from you.

I understand about the need for caution and being nervous, but I also know that raising awareness of consanguinamory is very important. If you have any interest, reach out to this person (below) and check it out. You can always decline to record with them.

Feel free to reach out to me about this or contact:

Kathryn Lewsey
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