
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Myth: GSA Causes Birth Defects or the Children Will Be Deformed

Reality: If sex between people brought together through Genetic Sexual Attraction results in a birth, GSA does not cause birth defects in and of itself.

Most children born to close relatives are healthy. You know some, whether you know it or not and whether they know their own true parentage or not.

Birth defects can be the result of injury during pregnancy, substances ingested during pregnancy, environmental factors, or genetic problems. It is the last one that people tend to be thinking of, usually, when they repeat this myth. That’s because when both genetic parents carry the same genetic problem, it may be demonstrated in the children. However, this can happen with parents who aren’t closely related, too. A genetic problem may also result in a child if only one parent carries the genetic problem.

Many people who are brought together through GSA don't have children together, due to personal choices, or age, or surgery, or their genders, or some other condition, or even fear of the children being used as evidence in prosecution. See here for more extensive information about this topic.

See Myth: People Who Act on GSA Won’t Be Able to Have Normal Lives

See Myth: There is Only One Good Outcome to GSA
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  1. we the people need to stop repetitive myths about gsa. gsa is for adults and thats final.

  2. Consanguineous couples are just couples, stop criminalizing them! They don't do any harm to anybody, they just love each other.

  3. Hm, but the probability is higher isn't it? Not against cousin-cousin or aunt-nephew (if they have a similar age) but (half-)sibling-sibling or twins still seems to dangerous to me.

    1. Unless the family has serious genetic problems, the odds are very high that a child will be fine.


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