
Saturday, May 13, 2023

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day, at least around these parts, so Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there, especially mothers who face discrimination, persecution, and even prosecution for loving one or more other adults, and the mothers who've stood by their children who've faced bigotry for being who they are and loving who they do.

We're making progress. Hang in there and continue to care for your loved ones.

If you have plans for an interesting Mother's Day or end up having an interesting Mother's Day and you think our readers will want to hear about it, do tell! Sons and daughters.... any special plans?

I include those who've "adopted" mother figures, especially if you've done so because your own mother is no longer with us or was not a supportive person. Almost all of us have a mother in our life, even if that mother isn't officially family.

Some mothers have recently been surprised by discovering just how much they are loved. Some have recently been reunited after having to be apart for years.

So you mothers or the people who admire them: comment below, which you can do anonymously, or you can email fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.
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  1. The yearning for your mother is something that should be satisfied and Mother’s Day would be the perfect day to show her just how much you want to take care of all her needs. Making love to your mother on Mother’s Day seems so right

    1. I think many of us would like that

    2. Making love with your mother on Mother’s Day is the best present. Not to be passed up the opportunity to give her a big kiss and say I love you mom.

  2. My son's mother's day gift was putting a baby inside me. Just found out. I had no idea that I could still get pregnant.

    1. congratulations, now you can enjoy your love on a new level, closer and more intense

    2. Congratulations on your Mother’s Day and wish you the best and can you share more about you and son

  3. Congrats to you both. Hope it's a healthy and safe pregnancy


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