
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Adriana Chechik Is Not Alone

Dimitris Kouimtsidis reports at

Adriana Chechik, 31, who shattered vertebrae at TwitchCon in October last year after leaping off a platform following a jousting game, discussed her adult movie preferences on the Pillow Talk podcast, hosted by Ryan Pownall.

Known for her boldness when discussing sex, the OnlyFans content creator revealed that she's really into incest porn and described it as "hot".

A couple of things. 1) It's one of the most popular genres. 2) Like the rest of porn and media in general, reality is usually different.

She even went as far as to describe it as "normal", following its depiction in the hugely successful Game of Thrones TV show.

It is normal in the sense that it's highly popular and themes have been in media throughout history.

Ryan asked her: "You like weird s***?" Before Adriana replied: "Like hillbilly s***?"

The host then expanded: "Is what you watch illegal?" 
The 31-year-old explained: "I mean maybe like sometimes I look up incest."

Consanguinamory happens everywhere, and erotic media depicting it tends to reflect that. People who like such media are everywhere, too. They're not just hillbilles.

Her 4 million Instagram followers quickly flocked to the comment section to share their opinions, with one writing: "Step bro and sis ain't incest tho."

A second quipped: "Someone tag her brother", while a third added: "Reql Incest makes families strong and strengthens family ties she is one of the best P.S".

Affection is good.

A fourth said: "And you got weirded out when ur cousin said nice vids". 
That last comment refers to the revelation that one of Adriana's cousins told her he "loves watching her videos"
She said: "I had a cousin who texted me when I was two years into porn and he said 'oh man I love your s**t'." 
Ryan quickly interjected, asking her: "But he doesn't know you're cousins?" 
But Adriana called out the family member, adding that he knew full well the two were related. 
"No he knows we're cousins," she said. "He's 12 years older than me, but I'm from bumble f*** Pennsylvania. There's some white trash roots deep in my bloodline."

Anyone who models or performs online should assume they have relatives or family members who see it. Even old stuff from print magazines or VHS videos is now found online. It shouldn't be a problem. There's nothing wrong someone admiring their relative or their relative's performances.

But again, consanguinamory has been in every demographic and everywhere there have been people. It isn't limited to any one race, class, or overal lifestyle.
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1 comment:

  1. We need more people to come out and support this. Great article


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