
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Not Something to Fear

At the Too Afraid to Ask Reddit, konqueror238 wrote "Feeling attracted to my older sister during puberty?"

I have a older sister and she is a very good looking woman. During my puberty years my hormones were very crazy, that's very normal for boys during that age.

During those years I was very attracted to my sister's body and I will admit with shame that I used to masturbate thinking of her, it also didn't help that I was also discovering the world of porn. At that time I was very young and didn't understand the concept of "incest", my brain just went full monkey mode at the sight of boobs. It was only after quite a while I stopped feeling that way.

I will take that secret to my grave and she will never know of it. My question is, anyone else that spend their puberty years living with a attractive relative felt that way too?

It's sad that anyone would think they could be alone in having such feelings. Sex education is lacking!

It is very common to have such feelings and attractions, even if most people who do don't admit it. Some people act on their feelings.

It isn't limited to puberty, either. Some have such thoughts and desires at any age after, too, about siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, grandparents, etc.

The Westermarck Effect describes the "Ew!" feeling many people have about such thoughts. However, not everyone experiences the Westermarck Effect, at least not when it comes to every member of their family.

Find me on Reddit here.
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  1. What are the most romantic incest stories that are around? The case studies here are full of so much love. It's remarkable.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I've been attracted to my sister for years now. That attraction wasn't just in my teens, it has remained. I'm not sure if I would want us to be a couple but I definitely want sex with my sister. A family with benefits situation would be ideal.

  4. sexual education, sexual acceptance education, sexual awakening education.... these are all topics in which unfortunately we are extremely lacking and I say this as a twenty-year-old boy who has worked hard to develop his relationship with his mother (effort also reduced by the fact that there were two of us thinking about the matter)

    1. Sex education needs a reform, like the law regarding sex within a family. I hope your hard work with your mother worked? Sometimes it takes time to remove that barrier


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