
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Sad Bigots Lash Out

An Anonymous attack was left at this blog's sister Tumblr, and I'm going to cross-post the response here...

I try to avoid publishing "expletives" on my blog, so I copied & pasted this so I could edit the expletive...

Anonymous asked:

why don't you shut the f--- up and accept that incest is never going to accepted in our world

We see this happen over and over again with civil rights.

"Women will never get the vote."

"Negroes will never be allowed to go to school with whites!"

"Interracial marriage will never be allowed!"

And each time it is the same thing. The bigots don't have good arguments as to why people should be denied their basic rights, and so the bigots lose. Civil rights advance.

No matter how much the bigots hate it, there are consanguinamorous relationships all around them, and the laws of more countries are advancing towards equality. Many countries have no laws against related adults being together. And when people think the issue through, they tend to support equal rights, because there is no good reason to try to stop any consenting adults from loving each other how they mutually agree.

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1 comment:

  1. Bigots are spreading nonsense based on our relationships and stuff.


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