
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Pennsylvania Must Bring Laws in Line With the Constitution

According to a paywalled story found here, a man charged for "incest" for having consensual (to be redundant) sex with another adult is challenging the Constitutionality of Pennsylvania's unjust, outrageous, and, yes, unconstitutional laws denying basic human and civil rights. Of course we wish this man well in fighting for civil rights and bringing the laws in line with the Constitution. Pennsylvania should be ashamed of having such terrible laws in place.

I found this related article from back on what was Independence Day, which is supposed to be a celebration of life, liberty, and happiness. Those are what are being denied to the consanguinamorous.

A brother and sister in their 30’s in Beaver County are being charged with incest after a relationship between the two was revealed.

Who was the victim of this "crime?"

According to the Beaver County Times, the two, half-siblings, both of Freedom, are being charged after police were told of the sexual relationship, which included the two having a child together.

Emphases mine.


We know that child is healthy, as most children born to these relationships are.. Otherwise, the article would have mentioned the child's health.

While police were investigating a reported physical assault at the home the two share, the woman told police the two had a child together.

Self-incrimination. DON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE!

Police were also told that other family members knew of the relationship and the child.

Isn't it normal for family to know these things? Family should be supportive.

The Beaver County Times reports that the woman in the relationship had posted bail, while the man remains in jail on incest charges as well as simple assault and harassment charges.

If he has committed real crimes, try him on those. Sex with another adult shouldn't be crime. Families should not be broken up over it. Children should not lose their parents over it.

Being half-siblings (they share a biological father), this could be a reunion GSA case. Whether it is or not shouldn't matter to the law. Sex should not be a crime. These are consenting adults. The Conway Borough Police Department should only concern itself with crimes in which there are victims.

Pennsylvania and every other US state must drop unjust laws that prevent consenting adults from sharing love, sex, residence, kink, partnership, and marriage how they mutually agree. There is no good reason to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate people for being consanguinamorous.
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  1. It doesn’t sound like either of them told the police, but someone else in the house did. That someone could not be trusted.

    Tell no one unless you need to and can trust them with your lives.

  2. This is so sad. I have a consented relationship with my son for 7 years already and although where we live incest is not a crime. It's unfortunate a big taboo so we remain hidden. I love your posts, and keep with a great work you do here.

    1. Anonymous, thanks for your comment and kind words and congratulations on your love. If you haven't done so already, please reach out to me. I can be emailed at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

  3. That's so Unfortunate I never understood the logic of this rubissh laws and just penalizing innocent for others hate is very unjust can't we do something in there support


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