
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

We Get Bad Arguments Left As Comments

After "A Where Are They Now Update," "Unknown" left this comment...

I know "marriage equality" is important to some of you out there, but why don't you read up on the history of the European royal families ... especially the Hapsburg rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Who? Oh, we'd never ever heard about them before! No, not at all!

"Hey, I know you all want people to have basic human rights like being able to marry, but have you considered this irrelevant thing?"

This blog isn't here to endorse that Europeans with genetic problems, in polluted environments, with bad diets, and a lack of modern science and health care inbreed for many generations with a small number of close relatives.

We are here to support treating adults equally under the law, so that they can marry each other if they want, or live together and have sex. Rather than type out again what we've done so many times before, we'll invite you to read this.

Love is love is it I "love" my wife, I "love" my children, I "love" my country, I "love" my pet dog, I "love" my football team, I "love" my 1962 Ford Thunderbird...see that I mean?

Yes, we see that you're dismissing consenting adults loving each other if you don't approve of their choice in partners. Don't like it? Don't do it. But trying to compare the love people have to each other to appreciation for a car tells us everything we need to know. There are no good reasons to deny marriage equality.
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  1. Once I was at the roundhouse in Santa Fe New Mexico. The Senate and the Congress was going to debate about whether gay marriage should be made legal in New Mexico. This was like 2003 I think. A church group brought a war widow to testify. she told about her husband's service, she told about her husband loving his family, she told about her husband loving his country, she told about her husband's military service and a lot of other things about her husband and his dedication to the United States of America. Somehow none of that had anything to do with the hearing at hand. No one would ask her what that had to do with anything. so people who stand against marriage equality, like those who stood against gay equality, like those who stand against trans equality and so on and so forth oftentimes have no reason for their opposition other than they just don't like it.

  2. so much hate comments that distract us!

  3. Love is love. I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m in the most loving and caring relationship I have ever had. If anyone has an issue with it. Come and talk to me about it.


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