
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Will Utah Become Less Hateful?

Utah, like every US state, needs relationship rights and full marriage equality for all adults. Unfortunately, Utah has been one of the worst of the states, going so far as to criminalize polyfidelity.

Change might be on the way, however. From
A bill that would effectively decriminalize polygamy among consenting adults in Utah was unanimously endorsed by a state Senate committee this week, sending the legislation to the full chamber for a vote, The Salt Lake City Tribune reported. 
The Utah Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee pushed the bill through after hearing testimony from those who said current state law labels law-abiding citizens as criminals.
Let adults have the relationships to which they mutually agree.

The bill’s sponsor, Utah Sen. Deidre Henderson (R), said laws on the books make victims of abuse or fraud within polygamist families feel scared to come forward for fear that they would arrested.  
“The people that I have spoken with long to feel part of society,” Henderson said. “They are tired of being treated like second-class citizens. They feel like Utah has legalized prejudice against them. They want to be honest people, but feel like they have to lie or teach their children to lie about their families in order to stay safe.”
Exactly. Thank you for pointing this out.
Current state law makes polygamy a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, with an additional 15 years possible if the defendant is also convicted of fraud, child abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse or human smuggling or trafficking.
It is important to keep in mind this isn't about legally marrying more than person. This is about how current law makes felons out of people for polyfidelity.
Henderson’s law would make polygamy between consenting adults an infraction — a level below many traffic offenses that carries no jail time, the Tribune reported. 
Those convicted could face fines up to $750, and community service and sentencing enhancements for those with additional charges would remain intact.
That's still unacceptable, but at least the law would move things in the right direction.
Opponents of Henderson’s bill, such as Director of the Sound Choices Coalition Angela Kelly, argued the legislation would encourage people to live polygamist lifestyles, which she compared to organized crime and slavery, according to the Tribune.
Sigh. It's not a problem if more people want to engage in ethical nonmonogamy, including polyfidelity. Stop trying to force people into a narrow, monogamous, heterosexual mold. Gay people exist. Bisexual people exist. Polyamorists exist. Stop persecuting people for loving each other.
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