
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Brother Writes to Deidre Sanders About GSA With His Sister

I KNOW I can’t be with her but the only woman for me is my sister.

Yes, you CAN be with her. Many others, likely millions, are with each other. But they have to avoid the bigots.
I’m a guy of 22. I was brought up in care and my younger sister was adopted. 
She was two years old when our dad passed away. Our mother had drug and alcohol problems and she couldn’t look after us. 
My sister found me last year and we have become so close. The last time we met up she came to my flat. 
She dropped a coin and as we both went to pick it up we clashed heads. As we came up I rubbed her head and then I kissed her.
Dropped a coin? She's clever.
She kissed me back and then we ended up having sex. 
It wasn’t awkward afterwards but I got the vibe she didn’t want to talk about it. 
It can be difficult for some people to talk when they've been bombarded with senseless anticonsanguinamorous messages for so many years. But talking about it will be necessary.
She is 20.
You are both consenting adults. If this is what you want, nobody else should be able to interfere. There is no good reason you shouldn't be together.

Deidre responded by correctly bringing up Genetic Sexual Attraction. But then..

Take a step back – until you feel confident of just feeling brotherly love for your sister.
This is a cruel thing to say, because for many people, it isn't true that the intense attraction will go away. Some people have avoided acting on their feelings for DECADES. When they finally decide to do (or resume) what they've both wanted, they've kicked themselves for waiting so long. Their biggest problem? The bigotry of others.

There is nothing wrong with consenting adults being together, no matter how much someone else finds it strange or disgusting. GSA is very common.

The man who wrote that letter, or anyone else who is experiencing something similar, should know there is a supportive and helpful place to talk.

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1 comment:

  1. too many people are ignorant of this information!


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