
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Yes, Consanguinamory Should Be Legal

Should consanguinamory be legal?


When people think through the question calmly and rationally, they usually realize there is no good reason to deny consenting adults, including closely related adults, such a basic human right as to love each other as they mutually agree.

Here is question being discussed in an academic setting.

Note: This blog hasn't featured much video content, but thanks to an ally who is calling my attention to some videos, I might be featuring several videos over the next few weeks.
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  1. why do they equate incest with consanguinamory, no it may not.

  2. Humans are innately sexual, and as such consanguineamory is logically, though arguably, a direct road to incest. Past societies where incest was prevalent and the norm, suffered no demise due to incest. Morality is relative and based on perception, validated by authorized doctrine. Legislation is the authorized doctrine of today. Interesting blog, let's chat it up more. All topics are welcome.


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