Advocating for the right of consenting adults to share and enjoy love, sex, residence, and marriage without limits on the gender, number, or relation of participants. Full marriage equality is a basic human right.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2017
A Growing Family Denied Their Rights
People in polyamorous relationships are everywhere, as are people in consanguinamorous relationships, though consanguinamorists are usually closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. And sometimes, people in what amounts to a polyamorous consanguinamorous marriage are willing to be interviewed. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers are denied the freedom to be open about their love and are, by law, denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law.
The people interviewed below should be free to decide whether or not to legally marry, yet they could be harassed, persecuted, imprisoned, and stripped of their children if they were open about their love. They are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone; why should they be denied their rights? In much of the world, including all but a couple of US states, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love.
Read the interview below and see for yourself what she has to say. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, but whatever your reaction, should these lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights? Please note that as usual, names have been changed to prevent the innocent from being persecuted.
FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourselves.
Tabitha: The three of us live together in a city in the UK at the moment, although ethnically, I am from Eastern Europe. I moved here as a child. I'm working in an office not far from our home.
My partners are a British couple, and while Natalie is a stay at home mother, John works at the same place as me.
They are the only siblings of their family, and I am an only child. They currently have a 7-year-old son, 5-year-old daughter and twin 1-year-olds. I'm pregnant with my first child, by John. John is 29. Natalie and I are both 27.
coming out,
family reaction,
lack of equality harms,
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Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Hong Kong Still Prosecuting Consenting Adults
Jane analyzes a criminal case against adults for having sex. If one person was victimized by the other, why would both be prosecuted? Assualt should bring very tough sentences. Consensual affection should not be a matter for law enforcement.
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Friday, June 23, 2017
We Get Letters
Anonymous left a heart-warming comment after one of our most popular entries.
We hope to hear more from Anonymous. If you want to share your story, you can do so by commenting below (you can be anonymous) or by emailing fullmarriageequality at Protonmail dot com knowing we'll never share more about you than you want. Your privacy is respected.
My brother and I have been together for 7 years. we love each other very much and we take very good care of our children. my oldest boy's dad abandoned us when he was small and my brother took over as his father figure. He is a wonderful guy and I can't imagine being with anyone else. Our family was not supportive at first. However, they have come around. We have a few friends that know, but for the most part, we just keep it to ourselves and everyone thinks that were married because we have the same last name.Isn't it outrageous that in many places, they could still be imprisoned and the children taken away, just because they've formed a wonderful family against arbitrary, discriminatory laws?
We hope to hear more from Anonymous. If you want to share your story, you can do so by commenting below (you can be anonymous) or by emailing fullmarriageequality at Protonmail dot com knowing we'll never share more about you than you want. Your privacy is respected.
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Still No Good Argument Against Equality
Anti-equality columnist Michael Brown, who constantly bemoans things
like anyone who isn't a cisgender heterosexual nonconsanguineous
monogamist having their rights, is on a roll lately. Today's column was sparked by a male triad getting legal recognition in Columbia, with Brown lamenting that we're heading toward full marriage equality. What he doesn't do is explain why he thinks that's a bad thing. Maybe we have to buy one of his books to read that? In fairness, nobody else seems to be able to explain why people should be denied their rights, either.
If you're not doing so already, please check out this blog's sister Tumblr, where questions are being asked and getting answered, and I share content from others that I don't crosspost here. Add it to your bookmarks or, if you're on Tumblr, follow it.
Here in the States, the Associated Press notes that, “More courts [are] allowing 3 parents of 1 child.” An example would be when a lesbian couple has a child with the help of another man, all three of whom become parents.What's the realistic alternative? It's preventing the man from being legally involved. How exactly would that be good? If three people want to take responsibility for a child and they mutually agree to this, isn't that a good thing?
Today, in New York City, you can be fined up to $250,000 for failing to accept the stated identity of a trans employee.Again, what's the realistic alternative? It's that someone either has to quit their job or deal with a boss who mistreats them in a very serious way.
I asked [the students] if they believed in the concepts of “love is love” and “I have the right to marry the one I love.” They all said yes, no matter how far it went. Three people? Four? Two adult brothers? And should the government be obligated to recognize all these relationships?Good for them! The students have compassion and respect for people! Those of us on the right side of history are happy to see more people being free to have the relationships to which they mutually agree and to live out their gender identity.
They answered in the affirmative to all my questions...
If you're not doing so already, please check out this blog's sister Tumblr, where questions are being asked and getting answered, and I share content from others that I don't crosspost here. Add it to your bookmarks or, if you're on Tumblr, follow it.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Have You Joined Us on Facebook Yet?
If you support the rights of all adults, then join our Facebook group:
I Support Full Marriage Equality
I Support Full Marriage Equality
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Saturday, June 17, 2017
Happy Father's Day
Sunday is Father's Day.
For all men raising or helping to raise a child, whether you are a biological father, presumed father, grandfather, stepfather, bonus father, adoptive father, foster father or any variation… Happy Father’s Day!
A special thanks to fathers who have supported and loved their children who are LGBTQ, polyamorous, consanguinamorous, or have otherwise faced persecution or oppression because of who they are or the person(s) they love.
Finally, a note of encouragement to all fathers who can’t legally marry the person(s) they love, but would if they could, or who face bullying due to love or who they are: We will win so that every adult can pursue love, sex, and marriage with any consenting adults.
Oh, and if you have an especially interesting Father's Day, tell us about it.
For all men raising or helping to raise a child, whether you are a biological father, presumed father, grandfather, stepfather, bonus father, adoptive father, foster father or any variation… Happy Father’s Day!
A special thanks to fathers who have supported and loved their children who are LGBTQ, polyamorous, consanguinamorous, or have otherwise faced persecution or oppression because of who they are or the person(s) they love.
Finally, a note of encouragement to all fathers who can’t legally marry the person(s) they love, but would if they could, or who face bullying due to love or who they are: We will win so that every adult can pursue love, sex, and marriage with any consenting adults.
Oh, and if you have an especially interesting Father's Day, tell us about it.
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Monday, June 12, 2017
Secure Together
Kindred Spirits forum continues to be a great place for consanguinamorous people and allies to connect, and to read about the experiences and emotions of people in these relationships. With permission, I'm quoting some statements from one woman who is at the forum.
From her introductory message...
From her introductory message...
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Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Very Important Consanguinamory Study Results
Consanguinamory is not studied nearly enough by sociologists, in part because of prejudice.
However, Jane has published fascinating results from a study. Hopefully, this will be just the start of more extensive research.
Go see the results.
However, Jane has published fascinating results from a study. Hopefully, this will be just the start of more extensive research.
Go see the results.
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Monday, June 5, 2017
It's Natural

The woman interviewed below should be free to decide whether or not to legally marry her partner, yet they could be harassed, persecuted, and imprisoned if they were open about their love. They
are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone; why should they be
denied their rights? In much of the world, including all but a couple of
US states, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love.
Read the interview below and see for yourself what she has to say. You may think this relationship with her son is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it incredibly sexy, but whatever your reaction, should these lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights?*****
FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: You recently moved from New Jersey to Germany. Why is that?
Shiffon: For work as well as personal reasons. Someone came to know about our relationship and before that person could cause trouble, we made the move. It was already in planning but that caused me to prepone. No one knows about us here, so we are living as a couple.
Shiffon: For work as well as personal reasons. Someone came to know about our relationship and before that person could cause trouble, we made the move. It was already in planning but that caused me to prepone. No one knows about us here, so we are living as a couple.
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Thursday, June 1, 2017
Feminism and Full Marriage Equality

I'm bumping up this older entry because it still applies.
From comments on this blog:
Macha wrote about those who say an adult woman can’t consent to sex with her biological father…
Liz, who has a spousal relationship with her brother and a beautiful, healthy baby girl with him wrote about those who don’t want her to have that freedom…
Full marriage equality is inseparable from feminism.
That a woman should be free to make her own decisions about her body and her associations is reinforced in full marriage equality.
With full marriage equality, a woman is free to live with, date, love, marry, and divorce any consenting adults she chooses.
This includes, among other things:
Her freedom to marry another woman.
Her freedom to marry more than one woman.
Her freedom to marry a woman who is already married.
Her freedom to marry a woman or women to whom she is closely related.
Her freedom to marry a man who is already married.
Her freedom to marry more than one man.
Her freedom to marry a man or men to whom she is closely related.
And, if she wants, her freedom to marry one unmarried man to whom she is not closely related.
A woman should have her choice, and not have those who aren’t a party to the marriage or relationship deny her her choices. These are the same freedoms a man should be able to pursue, because full marriage equality is about gender equality, not about denying or controlling women, their bodies, and their sexuality. Full marriage equality allows people to have the relationships they choose, and as such, does not hurt anyone.
From comments on this blog:
Macha wrote about those who say an adult woman can’t consent to sex with her biological father…
I think this is partly rooted in the prejudiced and false belief that women (especially young women) don't want and aren't interested in sex, so if a younger woman is in a sexual relationship with an older man, she must have been coerced, ergo the man is just an abuser. Our society doesn't want women to have the power to consent. We perpetually deny the possibility that women have the ability to make conscious and deliberate choices about their sex lives, infantilizing them from womb to tomb.
Liz, who has a spousal relationship with her brother and a beautiful, healthy baby girl with him wrote about those who don’t want her to have that freedom…
There are no good arguments against incest, just the same old excuses over and over again. We need to make people realize that while they may not love family in that way, there are many adults that do and those people should be allowed to live and love the way they want to.
Full marriage equality is inseparable from feminism.
That a woman should be free to make her own decisions about her body and her associations is reinforced in full marriage equality.
With full marriage equality, a woman is free to live with, date, love, marry, and divorce any consenting adults she chooses.
This includes, among other things:
Her freedom to marry another woman.
Her freedom to marry more than one woman.
Her freedom to marry a woman who is already married.
Her freedom to marry a woman or women to whom she is closely related.
Her freedom to marry a man who is already married.
Her freedom to marry more than one man.
Her freedom to marry a man or men to whom she is closely related.
And, if she wants, her freedom to marry one unmarried man to whom she is not closely related.
A woman should have her choice, and not have those who aren’t a party to the marriage or relationship deny her her choices. These are the same freedoms a man should be able to pursue, because full marriage equality is about gender equality, not about denying or controlling women, their bodies, and their sexuality. Full marriage equality allows people to have the relationships they choose, and as such, does not hurt anyone.
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