
Monday, September 18, 2023

Haters Attack Mom For Celebrating With Athlete Son

What do you see?

I see a loving mother. I see a strong athlete son.

The consanguinamoryphobia being spouted over this video, attacking this woman, is outrageous. Such phobia is often an indication someone has hidden desires they haven’t resolved.

It’s OK for a mother to be beautiful.

It’s OK for a mother to dress well.

It’s OK for a mother to celebrate and be affectionate with her son.

It’s sad that the bigotry expressed over this will likely have a chilling effect on this mother and son and so many others. People shouldn’t have to hide affection. 

Most people in consanguinamorous relationships go through great pains to hide it. You know people who are involved, even if you don’t know who. But let’s assume this mother and son do have that special additional bond and she let her guard down. My question is: So what?

So what?

What if they have freely, mutually consented to be affectionate with each other in a way that includes passionate kisses, stimulating each others genitals, and sharing orgasms? How does that hurt you? How does it hurt anyone?

There are people out there who verbally abuse (or worse) their mother or son in public. In contrast, these two are embracing each other affectionately. He has the strength to carry her (good for him!) Why the outrage?

The critics should be ashamed of themselves.

Get on the right side of history, the side of love.

Have you done or witnessed anything like this? Do you wish you could be affectionate like this without being harassed or bullied? I’d like to hear from you. You can email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or find me on Wire messaging app at fullmarriageequality. 
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  1. The natural love between mother and son or daughter should be expressed openly and with no regret. Should that love be expressed intimately, all the more beautiful. I fully support the love of family - Mother and son, Father and daughter ... what ever warmth is felt. It's so beautiful and natural. Love, David

  2. Yeah, Social Media is always going to have haters or people trying to get their likes by making some stupid comments.
    Now they have just embarrassed this mom and son for no reason. I guarantee you this would not have circulated online if the mother was unattractive. Who cares if there was something going on between them that's their business.
    I think it's a legit fantasy for some people and obviously a lot of people are consuming incest themed porn these they read into this immediately. But then some people have to virtue signal about how inappropriate it is to them...for what reason I don't know. They still took the time to comment on it.

  3. I also see a loving mother and son. That love should not be stigmatized. And so what if the mother is pretty? That's a good thing then. Social media is quick to demonize things they don't agree with. It's sad that such a loving bond between family is seen as something bad instead of something that should be encouraged and supported more often.

  4. I am a mother myself. I don't see anything wrong with her actions. Yes they might be more intimate secretly and that's ok as long as both are consensual, but they are not being vulgar or anything else but affectionate here.

    I have faced similar kind of hate from my own family, relatives and friends. I was brought up in a conservative environment and my husband had similar mentality. Only after his death, I kind of found freedom to wear something that would look good on me and comfortable. My son encouraged me too.

    But my relatives and friends who praised me so far for being an ideal woman, mother and wife, started hating me, badmouthing me and trolling. During those difficult times, I did not gave in, and found my son by my side and now we are a happy couple.

    If I were this mom, I would have worn a cropped top and short skirt next game and asked my son to lift me again in his arm as we share a passionate kiss to make these haters go crazy.

    1. That's great. Good for you x

    2. How did the first time go? Could you let us know,lady?

    3. We both were trying to find each other's reaction by flirting and teasing. As we were both letting it happen, and feeling comfortable with each other, we slowly started exploring our bodies. First time happened after few months, when I got dressed to attend a relative's wedding and he found me too hot to resist and pulled me in his chest and kissed me and I kissed him back.

  5. Absolutely nothing wrong this at all. It's time people realised that this is ok and normal

  6. Why can't parents hug their offsprings? its not fair

  7. I think sometimes people hate what they don't really understand.

  8. I've looked to this and viewed their social and they seem very close. I would be surprised if nothing has happened between this mother and son. If anything sexual hasn't happened then you would have ask why not? There are alot of sons wishing that this mother was theirs.


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