
Monday, June 13, 2022

Seeking Help Making Videos in the Style of PSAs

[UPDATE: Thanks to those of you who have reached out. I'm bumping this up to see if we can reach anyone else who wants to be involved.]

Want to save lives? Want to improve lives? Want to advance civil rights?

Or, have you ever felt like you were alone? Isolated? How much would it have meant for just one person to say "You're not alone. There are others like us."?

Here is your chance to do that, to BE that for someone else. 

We intend to make short, informative videos, somewhat in the style of “public service announcements,” regarding consanguinamory

Such videos will enlighten and reassure. They will be a lighthouse in the dark for those we haven't bumped into yet online. 

While this blog provides enlightenment and reassurance, walls of text aren’t a format that work for everyone. So we’d like to put together some videos. We need your help to make them.

So, if you’re experienced with consanguinamory or an ally to the consanguinamorous, we are looking for people who can help in any one of the following ways:
  • a friendly face
  • a clear, reassuring voice
  • copy writing
  • video graphics 
  • video editing 
Like this blog, these videos would be a labor of love. Helping with them will not be for pay. Our goal is to provide each person who might be feeling alone, confused, discouraged or even losing their struggle with feelings of consanguiamory and help them feel human again.

If you’re worried about protecting your privacy, reach out and we can discuss that. You might be able to contribute in ways that don’t put your privacy at risk. If you have any interest, please reach out. Reaching out will not obligate you in any way and you can cease involvement at any time. If you have questions, I’ll try to answer them.
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