
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Brazil Should Move Forward, Not Regress

Someone who wishes to be anonymous recently shared this...

Hey I recently found out that there is a new law to be voted to criminalize incest in Brazil.

I don’t think it will pass. I believe incest is more common than people think in Brazil.


The article is in Portuguese but I will post the translation here.

“Congressman Sanderson's Bill 603/21 (PSL-RS) criminalizes the practice of incest in Brazil. The text provides for imprisonment of one to five years for those who have sexual intercourse with father or mother, son or daughter, brother or sister and grandfather or grandmother, whether consanguineous relative or affinity.

"The proposal adds an article to the Criminal Code. In Brazil, incest is not a crime, unless it involves children and adolescents. If, on the contrary, those involved are adults and do not act under threat or violence, there is no prohibition for the practice.”

When it comes to certain relationships, Brazil has been closer to equality than most most of the world. Brazil should continue to move forward, not go away from equality.

Consenting adults in Brazil should be free to share love, sex, kink, residence, and marriage, or any of those without the others, without persecution, bullying, criminalization, or any other discrimination. There are people in consanguinamorous relationships all over the country. They aren't hurting anyone. Calling them criminals would be such a terrible injustice.

Are you in Brazil? Whether you are or not, if you have something to say about this, you can comment below or contact Keith.
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1 comment:

  1. Why can't we just move forward and progress? Cannot go back to normal.


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