
Thursday, December 17, 2020


There was a comment left after the entry, "Why Do I Feel This Way?" from someone who is clearly longing for more with a loved one.

I no longer feel ashamed about what I feel for my sister.

At 52, I have finally accepted my romantic and sexual feelings towards her.

There is nothing... NOTHING... NOTHING wrong with having romantic and/or sexual feelings for someone else, and that goes for a sibling. 

These feelings developed during the last few years of her horrible first marriage. That was about 21 years ago.

That's a long time to hold the truth inside.

After her first divorce, she did flirt with me. Yet, nothing was done. Neither one of us acted on it.

That's too bad.

Now she is getting a second divorce. Her relationship with her second husband ended badly, too.

She could have avoided all of that if these siblings simple followed their feelings.

We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant. I felt she was somewhat touchy-feely. She mentioned that people should two adults should have the right to be sexually involved with each other, despite society's prejudices. This was referring to her friend's lesbian daughter. Yet, I felt she meant for consensual incest too.

It's possible. People are understandably hesitant to be blunt about their thoughts and desires in this area.

I also mentioned that maybe she should move to another state. She stated that her soulmate lives in our state and smiled. It's hard to tell what she meant by this or by lightly kicking me under the table with her stocking foot.

I warn women that men can be blind to hints.

She is 50 years old with two failed marriages. I just hope she accepts her attraction to me and shows me more positive signs.

In situations like this, it can be good to meet the person half way. Compliments, flirtations, discussions about relationships and sex can send the right signals.

I just want to meet all her needs, desires, hopes, and dreams. I just want to amaze my sister, to give her the best life has to offer. I FEEL NOTHING WOULD BE COMPARABLE FOR US THAN HAVING EACH OTHER.

I don't doubt that if these siblings allow themselves to be honest with each other, they can find happiness together.

Put aside the undue shame and reach out. There is nothing wrong with having these feelings for a close relative or family member. There is nothing wrong with telling them about your feelings. There is nothing wrong with exploring additional affections with them.

Here's some generalized advice in how to move forward

Can you relate to this comment? Has this blog helped you? Do you still need someone to talk with? As always, you're welcome to comment below and you're also welcome to contact me privately.
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  1. Change yourself, don’t rely on the government to change for us! Nobody should be ashamed for love!

  2. That's me.That wrote that!Thanks!
    I have to say things seem more positive.We went out to eat and exchanged presents.I gave her a birthday present that she really loved.Sh3 bought me a Christmas president I really loved.She is getting her own place soon.So who knows??She mentioned in the restaurant that it is too bad we cannot kiss and hug each other.Strange hint?SHE talked alot about wanting a man that needs and understands her.I'll take this slow.


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