
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Family Making the Most of the Distance

We've talked about being stuck at home with family. But what if you're separated by distance, whether on the other side of town, or in a different state/province/territory, even another country, and meeting up is not an option for now?

If you have a consanguinamorous relationship already, the separation can be especially difficult to endure. Modern communications can mitigate that somewhat, as explained below.

But what if you weren't to that point; you'd been thinking about initiating something before you had to stay apart, or you've been thinking about it now that you're missing them and stuck at home?

Communicating with your relatives or family members from a distance can provide a certain level of psychological freedom, especially when you are bored and/or they are. They might be more willing to try something bold and so might you.

So, how do you make something happen?

Much of what has been said here before can be applied or adapted and applied to communicating at a distance through text, audio, pictures, or video. So read through that, and adapt as appropriate.

If you're going to get flirty, sexy, or downright erotic, you're probably going to want to use something that's more secure, like Wire, which also allows you to make what you send temporary. (I'm assuming everyone involved is a consenting adult.)

You know this person or these people. Knowing them, and knowing the history between you, should help you in how you get things started.

Unless you know for certain they want to play around this way, you're going to want to gently move things in the right direction. Ideally, you want to be able to allow them to decline or back out without significant negative feelings on their part, and with plausible deniability on your part. It is probably a good idea to first bring up the subject of sexting and the like in general, not in reference to the two (or three, or ...) of you. If they react to the topic negatively, you probably have your answer, although you might learn a lot about them by asking why they don't like it.

Who knows? Maybe the more they think about it and the longer they are staying in place, the more likely they will change their minds.

But assuming they are willing to sext or something similar...

Some of the tactics are as old as phone sex, which used to start with something like "Are you alone? What are you wearing?"

Complimenting, especially on their body or what they're wearing or not wearing, is a good start and encourages the other person.

Flirting and joking are good.

Challenging the other person with dares can get things going.

So can simply talking about life. Talk about relationships and sex. If you need a way to get that into the conversation, cite a show or movie or book or article you read that had some sexuality.

The more you can talk about sex with each other, the better.

Whether you intend for anything to happen once you are physically reunited or not, you can still have a lot of fun with each other, get to know each other better, and relieve stress by talking about sex, talking about sex with each other, teasing each other, shedding your clothes and/or masturbating while electronically connected to them.

There is no good reason why consenting adults should avoid this kind of affection and recreation with each other if they mutually agree to it.

Do you have these experiences? Are you going to try it? Do you have questions or suggestions? You can write about it (including anonymously) below, or contact Keith.
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  1. why can’t we just love our families romatically?

  2. Great article! I've been sexually attracted to my sister for a long time and we always come close to the " boundaries " without actually doing anything, if that makes sense? Just recently we have been messaging each other very frequently and i've been trying to be suggestive without making it too obvious. Your article gives some great tips and i will try and make progress soon. But the thing is, once you send a message you can't take it back and that is a little scary! Keep up the great work Keith!

  3. With the current situation of the world. I believe this is more important than ever. No one expected to isolate themselves for so long for the sake of safety. And I think many people end up ignoring needs of love and affection as a result because expressing them sexually to family members is looked down upon by society, even though it is between consenting adults. In a way too, this situation opens up opportunities to explore the possibilities of being more intimate with a loved one. I hope that even after this situation passes that people will come to see that love between consenting family members is a beautiful thing and can even help cope through the most uncertain of times.


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