
Friday, April 5, 2019

Update on Unconstitutional Nebraska Prosecution of Consenting Adults

There are developments relating to this situation covered previously here.

They actually went ahead with prosecuting these consenting adults. They're wasting public resources on this.

Brent BonFleur reported at
A St. Paul man accused of marrying and having a sexual relationship with his daughter will be sentenced on May 30. 
DNA Testing showed a 99 percent probability that the man, Travis Fieldgrove, 39,  is the father of 21-year-old Samantha Kerschner. Kerschner is also charged with felony incest.
She is being prosecuted, too. So who is the victim of this "crime" again?
According to court documents, Fieldgrove pleaded no contest to criminal attempted incest. 
Under the plea agreement, both the prosecutor and public defender are making a joint recommendation for Fieldgrove, for two years behind bars.
Two years of imprisonment for having sex with another adult! This is outrageous! Let's hope the judge does the right thing here. There is no good reason this should be a criminal matter in the first place.

UPDATE: He was sentenced.
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