
Monday, December 18, 2017

SPOILERS - Star Wars Can Still Advance Marriage Equality

You know the drill. If you haven't seen "Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi" yet and don't want any of it spoiled, just skip over this entry.

Really. Don't read the rest of this entry if you don't want spoilers.
After Episode VII, there was much speculation about the identity of Rey's parents. Fans posited various theories. This is what was posted previously on this blog.

Then, as it turns out, the "The Last Jedi" either didn't answer the question or supplied "false" information that Rey's parents aren't part of the established Jedi dynasties.

It is possible that what Rey was told/learned about her parents isn't the truth, or the whole truth.

So, we're holding out hope that she is the result of consanguinamory, which helps explain why she is so powerful even with minimal training. It would also help explain her apparent attraction to Kylo, particularly when he's half-nude.

Make it so! (I know, wrong series.) DO OR DO NOT! THERE IS NO TRY!
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1 comment:

  1. I think the producers of the latest Star Wars were trying to break the mold with this film. All the stuff people have been crazy to theorize about was tossed aside. I believe that Kylo Ren was telling the truth that Rey's parents were no bodies who sold her off for drinking money. In the SWVII Maz told Rey that her parents were never coming back. I think Rey along with the last scene of the new movie is a new and different line of force sensitive people. The Skywalker line seems to always lead to the darkside. So in with the new.


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