
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Nebraska County Moves Ahead With Wasting Public Resources on Oppression

Here's an update to something we last covered in this posting. From

Travis Fieldgrove, who had sex with a woman who was both his wife and his daughter, was sentenced Thursday to two years in prison.
Two years in prison for consensual activity with another adult. Sex with another adult! What a waste of public resources. There is no good reason for this.
Hall County District Judge Mark Young issued the sentence, with credit given for 121 days already served. As a practical matter, Fieldgrove, of St. Paul, Nebraska, will serve 144 more days in jail. 
Young also added 12 months of post-release supervision. During that time, Fieldgrove, 40, is ordered to have no contact with Samantha Kershner, 21.
I don't see how Judge Young can't feel silly about this at best, and more appropriately, ashamed. Perhaps the judge believes the ridiculous laws allow him no choice?

According to a court affidavit, Grand Island police officers spoke to Fieldgrove and Kershner in September after receiving a tip about their relationship and allegations of incest. Both admitted that they were having a romantic and sexual relationship.
Once the police realized it was consensual, they should have stopped wasting public resources on this.

Public resources in Nebraska are being spent to oppress adults for loving each other! This is outrageous. The laws need to be changed to support the rights of all adults to have the relationships to which they mutually agree, including their right to marry.

Fortunately, the vast majority of consanguinamorous relationships are never criminally prosecuted.
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  1. America, you lost your mind. The couple in love is persecuted for having a romantic and sexual relationship. Sheesh!

    In Russia consanguineous couples just have no right for a legal marriage, but no one is persecuted them.

  2. What I don't get is why they admitted it? They had no children so there was no proof of their relationship???


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