Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Is Brazil the Best For Polycules?

Brazil shows promise of actually moving to full marriage equality, as we've noted before. Here's an article written by Thiago Amonico and translated by Tom Gatehouse about a polyamorous relationship...
Audhrey loved Eustáquio, who loved Rita, who loved Audhrey. The three decided to live together eight years ago and today they are a family.
Good for them.
This is not a shorter, happier and more liberal version of the famous Carlos Drummond de Andrade poem "Quadrilha". Rather, it is the story of a family from Belo Horizonte that a year ago obtained a polyamorous civil partnership - official recognition of their situation. At least eight such documents have been issued in Brazil.
Good for Brazil.

Here are the particulars of this relationship...

Audhrey Drummond, 49, and Eustáquio Generoso, 57, got married in 1988 and had an on-off relationship until 1997. During that time they had a son, Iago, who is 23.

A year after they split up, Eustáquio began seeing Rita Carvalho, 45. But when Audhrey and Eustáquio met again in 2003, Audhrey admitted that she was still in love with him. "I told him that I didn't mind if Rita was in the picture," she says.
This is not a triangular relationship, but a ménage à trois, with Eustáquio living with both his wife and his mistress. He has his own room, with the women sleeping with him for a week at a time.
If that works for them, great!
The public notary Fernanda Leitão believes that they are supported by a 2011 Supreme Court decision which equated homosexual civil partnerships with heterosexual marriage.
It's very simple. Let all consenting adults have the relationships to which they mutually agree, and let all consenting adults have access to whatever legal unions their government has. There's no good reason to deny people these rights.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Update on Iowa Case

There's an update on a case we previously covered here. reports at
A guilty plea has been filed in a north Iowa incest case.
There's still no indication that there was an actual victim or that this was assault rather than sex.
46-year-old Todd William Russ of Clear Lake has entered a written plea of guilty in Cerro Gordo County District Court.  His sentencing has been scheduled for March 23.
Russ was charged with one count of incest in November, 2015, for allegedly performing a sex act with someone he knew to be a blood relative in December, 2014.
It is possible to include more details without revealing the other person's identity. Other courts and news sources do it all of the time.

Bob Fisher's report at
A Clear Lake man charged with incest has entered a guilty plea in Cerro Gordo County District Court. 45-year-old Todd Russ was charged on November 1st, with court documents saying authorities accused him of performing a sex act with a person he knew was related to him in December 2014. Russ originally pleaded not guilty to the charge but filed a written plea of guilty on Wednesday. District Judge Annette Boehlje has scheduled a sentencing hearing for Russ on March 23rd.
If this was a matter of sex (meaning, it was between consenting adults) then I would hope Judge Boehlje would do the sensible thing and spare him any more trouble. Laws criminalizing sex are unconstitutional. Don't let legislative inertia become a further injustice.

UPDATE: He was sentenced.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Television Should Not Ignore Reality

Recently, Meghan O'Keefe wrote a piece at under the headline "Dear TV Writers: Enough With the Incest Already!!!"...

The latest trend in bonkers storytelling seems to be incest.
Now, incest isn’t that new of a trope. After all the Old Testament and Greek mythology is overflowing with tales of siblings marrying siblings and history is rife with cousins marrying cousins to keep titles in the family.
I'm glad she recognizes that.
The entire plot of Game Of Thrones is sparked into action when little Bran finds Jaime plowing his twin sister Cersei, incest is at the heart of the sadistic twist in Crimson Peak, and a disturbing brother-sister romance is at the heart of Starz’s Flesh and Bone. Oh, and the surge in interest in Star Wars reminded everyone that Luke and Leia once shared an awkward kiss.
"Star Wars" should explore that more.
That’s not all. The new Freefrom fantasy drama Shadowhunters will likely have to deal with its own incest-fueled storyline. Last weekend, I asked the cast and showrunners if the new series would stay close to the books in regards to Jace and Clary’s “are they siblings/aren’t they siblings?” relationship. They said that the show will follow the books — where, yes, it’s often suggested the two love birds are brother-and-sister.
Good for them, if they do. She moves on to "War and Peace," which was covered here.
While I liked War and Peace and the unbridled passions of its characters, that one scene seemed dropped in just to spark conversations (such as this very one).
Even if that's so, conversations need to be sparked.

Like shocking mid-season deaths, surprise pregnancies, and characters being resurrected from the dead, incest can be used deftly in drama, but when employed too often it loses its punch.
Considering how common it is, it should lose it's "punch" in a certain sense. Another punch, though, could be generated in depicting the troubles and anguish caused by discrimination against people in consanguinamorous relationships.
The more and more I see these amoral trysts onscreen, the less shocking and the more lazy it seems.
Some depictions do involve loathsome characters, but there isn't anything amoral about consenting adults making love with each other.

How disgusting is that? I’m becoming numb to the grotesque act of incest!
50 years ago: "How disgusting is that? I'm becoming numb to the grotesque act of interracial sex!"
So that’s why I’m pleading with showrunners and TV writers: ENOUGH WITH THE INCEST ALREADY!!!
DISAGREE!!! What the writers need to do is to have more inclusive portrayals. The is much serious drama and comedy, and romance and passion that can be depicted based on real life as well as classic fiction. Whether Genetic Sexual Attraction or not, consanguinamory is fertile ground for compelling television. There are seemingly endless possibilities.

It's a bit funny to see this sentiment expressed at, because...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Beautiful Love Enduring Prejudice

I've done scores of exclusive interviews with lovers, most of whom are denied the freedom to be open about their love and are, by law, denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. It is a privilege to get a glimpse into these relationships consider forbidden by unjust laws or by common public prejudices. Most of them want to marry, whether immediately or not, and it is such a sad thing that anyone would stand in their way.

Below, you will meet "Samantha"
She's an adult and should be free to decide for herself whether to marry and with whom she should get married. Yet, in many places, she would be denied her right to marry the person she loves most, and in some of those places, they could be criminally prosecuted and imprisoned. They aren't hurting anyone; why should they have to hide their love and be denied their rights?

Read the interview below and see for yourself what Samantha has to say. You may think her relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it incredibly erotic, but whatever your reaction, should adult lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights?

Please note that the strong bond often formed out of Genetic Sexual Attraction can happen between first cousins.


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Samantha: I’m a young adult female from a smallish city. I’m currently a college student in the US.

FME: How would you describe your sexual orientation and your relationship orientation... are you heterosexual, bisexual, what? Are you a monogamist, polyamorist, or....?

Although most of my encounters have been with men, and all of my experiences outside of men were still with cis-gender women, I think I can be classified as pansexual. As far as my relationship orientation, I suppose I do prefer to have multiple relationships at a time, but only if Michael is enjoying it. Right now though, I am a de-facto monogamist because I haven’t met anyone other than Michael that would be right for having a relationship with.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rapped Up

When are people going to stop being shocked, shocked when a Kardashian or Jenner references their involvement or possible involvement in consanguineous sex? Yes, this entry is another one about the Kardashians. If you don't want to bother with it, I don't really blame you, but I feel an obligation to analyze this stuff.

Jack Pusey reports at about the latest invoking of consanguinamory...

Friday, January 8, 2016

Counselor Supports Consanguine Couples

We found this at this URL, but we have been unable to find the original posting to which is refers. That's too bad, as we'd very much like to be in contact with the person who wrote the original text below. If that is you, please get in contact with us. Or, even if you didn't write it, if it is something you could have written given your background and support for consanguineous lovers, then please to get in touch with us.


In support of consanguine couples.

(TL;DR: OP supports incest couples after commiserating with dozens of them.) With human rights scratching towards the forefront of global issues, I'd like to take a moment to voice support for consanguine couples. I was going to do one of those nifty "My Job As" posts that I admire and enjoy, but I'm a small-time lurker who only has a few uploads, so I'm not familiar-enough with the layout to really make a pop-out interesting post. Two years as an untrained volunteer peer counselor for, I have spoken with literally thousands of people, I've counseled marriages, helped people in their careers, contacted law enforcement for abuse victims, and spent hours talking people out of suicide. Among all of those unfortunates, the plight that has struck the deepest chord with me are consanguine (incest) couples. This is a trend that is far more common than what I've personally found discussed in any form of media, and life for these people is very difficult. Receiving much the same hate as LGBT persons and couples (and even hate FROM LGBT persons), their relationships are considered just as *forbidden* for reasons ranging from religious to scientific. (Example: According to the coefficient of inbreeding, full siblings have 50% chance to pass on deleterious alleles, which is very high, but just because negative traits can be passed on, that is no indicator of what KIND of negative genes will pass on.) Much of society uses outrageous examples like three-headed children and the Wrong Turn movie franchise as colloquial examples, but such deformities are VERY extreme and unlikely, even in repeated incest; the haemophilia that lurked in Royal European families is rumored to have been the *result* of inbreeding, but this is impossible to verify, nevertheless, the strength of the rumor that incest tends to produce horrifying diseases has persisted in society. The societal backlash on consanguine couples is often severe, given that the potential for harm is statistically so much higher than other types of relationships, but the harsh reality is that, in spite of how society-at-large may feel about the topic, consanguine coupling happens regularly (I wish I could cite that, but currently - and again, to my personal knowledge - no reputable scientific foundation will fund incest research). To consanguine couples: you are not alone, and your plight is well-understood. Not everyone condemns your feelings. PM me any questions.


You can see at the end there is says "PM me any questions," but there didn't appear to be a way to do that.

So, we'd very much like to be in contact with the person who originally posted this.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Do You Support Freedom of Religion?

If freedom of religion means anything, it must mean that someone can practice their religion (and practice no religion) in their own private life, as long as the aren't harming anyone else. So it seems reasonable that clergy should be free to conduct religious ceremonies that don't hurt anyone. This is not just a mental exercise. This is a real life issue.

Gus Burns reports at

Neil Carrick
Photo provided by Neil Patrick Carrick
A lesbian Michigan couple's lawsuit helped legalize gay marriage nationwide in June. But another lawsuit filed by Detroit Pastor Neil Patrick Carrick in January naming Gov. Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bill Schuette aimed to loosen state marriage laws even further in the private and religious realm.
Carrick argues private ceremonies solemnizing marriages before God -- even in cases of polygamous marriage -- which are not recognized legally, should not be interfered with by the government.

Of course they shouldn't.

Currently Michigan law defines marriage as a civil contract. Anyone performing a ceremony to "solemnize" a marriage must require the presentation of a marriage certificate before doing so, or they may be fined up to $100.
Additionally under current law, any clergy or magistrate who knowingly performs a marriage not recognized under state law can be fined up to $500.

Do you understand? In Michigan, it is illegal to perform a ceremony without approval of the state. How is that not a violation of the First Amendment on religious freedom and free speech?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Another Woman Denied Her Rights

I've done scores of exclusive interviews with lovers, most of whom are denied the freedom to be open about their love and are, by law, denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. It is a privilege to get a glimpse into these relationships consider forbidden by unjust laws or by common public prejudices. Most of them want to marry, whether immediately or not, and it is such a sad thing that anyone would stand in their way.

Below, you will meet "Jane Doe."
She's an adult and should be free to decide for herself whether to marry and with whom she should get married. She longs to restore romance to a relationship in which the romance was ended because they faced discrimination and prejudice for their love, and had to hide the truth from everyone in their life. They weren't hurting anyone; why should they be denied in the full measure of their love and be denied their rights?

Read the interview below and see for yourself what Jane has to say. You may think her relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it incredibly erotic, but whatever your reaction, should adult lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights?


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Jane Doe: I'm just an average sort of person, I've worked in normal kind of jobs and earned an average sort of wage. I'm reasonably attractive but not exactly what you'd call model material, and I'm in my early 30s. As for hobbies, I like online games and video games, just to chill out for a couple of hours. I've never been married.