Thursday, September 23, 2021

Casting Call For People Who've Experienced Consanguinamory and Advocates

I am passing along a casting call from a television producer.

Executive Producer 
Katie MacIntosh is looking for:

1) People experienced in consanguinamory.
2) People who advocate for the rights of the consanguinamorous. 

Katie MacIntosh has worked on several series over the years for networks including History, National Geographic, Bravo, and most all of the majors. If you have any interest whatsoever, email docuseriesinfo at gmail dot com.

If you're skeptical or cautious about making contact, I recommend reaching out to at least communicate with them. Making contact does not obligate you to actually participate. Discuss what you can and can't do as far as participation. Topics like "consensual incest" and Genetic Sexual Attraction need honest media coverage.

Something like this can do much to clear away bigotry, if done right.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

We Need More Books About Consanguinamory

Here's a question that came in at this blog's sister Tumblr. Below is my response. If you have anything to contribute, please comment under this posting. You can do so anonymously.

Anonymous asked:

Do you know of any books that discuss adult incest from a legal/psychological/ethical point of view? I’ve read a few articles from psychological/philosophical journals but have not found well researched & neutral books on the issue.

Do you have anything to add?

Monday, September 20, 2021

Myth: There is Only One Good Outcome to GSA

Reality: What is a good or the best outcome to a situation involving Genetic Sexual Attraction depends on the circumstances and the people involved.

Situations involving Genetic Sexual Attraction are varied. There have been people who’ve fallen in love, married, and had children before they’ve discovered their close genetic relation. There are situations where one person is experiencing GSA but nobody else is. There are situations in which one person involved is an abusive person. Sometimes people experiencing GSA had been happily committed to someone else in a closed relationship. Sometimes GSA involves people who are in dead marriages to others, raising children. Sometimes there is an adult in their thirties or forties and a teenager who is too young to legally consent and not independent.

Some people want to apply their religious rules or their personal prejudice against consanguinamory to say that that sexual affection is never good in a GSA situation.

This blog fully supports the rights of consenting adults to share in sexual affection, but we recognize that not every specific relationship is a healthy one.

For some, spending a lot of time together in-person is helpful. For others, keeping interaction limited is better.

For some, building a life going forward that involves socializing in the genetic roles (parent-adult child, siblings, etc.) works best. For others, it might be more of a friendship. For still others, it might be as lovers.

For a small number of people, the best outcome is keeping a distance or cutting off contact entirely.

For some people, it is best that their relationship not involve sex. For others, a relationship that includes sex for a limited amount of time is best. For still others, relationship that includes sex in perpetuity, such as a spousal relationship, is the best outcome. People should be able to seek the best outcome without the undue influence of bigotry.

There is no single, one-size-fits-all way to deal with GSA. In some relationships, getting sexual is the best the course of action. In others, it wouldn’t be a positive thing. This is one reason why it is critical that people experiencing GSA be allowed to get the assistance they need without criminalization or other forms of discrimination.

See Myth: GSA Causes Birth Defects or the Children Will Be Deformed

See Myth: Sex Will Always Ruin These Relationships Because a Person Needs a Nonsexual Relationship With Their Genetic Relative

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Another Perspective on a Polyamorous Consanguinamorous Life


1. There are people everywhere who have consanguineous sex, and there always have been.
2. There are polyamorous people everywhere, and always have been.
3. There are people everywhere who swing or have group sex, and there always have been.

Sometimes, people are in two or all three of these categories, and those who are might find each other.

We are bringing you another exclusive interview.. As this interview is being published, there are many people still spending more time home with family members. Perhaps some of them will find this interview an inspiration? Or they can see this for some possibilities.

People in consanguinamorous and polyamorous relationships are everywhere, though many polyamorists are closeted and consanguinamorists are even more likely to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. Most can’t even be out of the closet or they’ll face prosecution under absurd incest laws, which, instead of focusing on abuse, also target consensual relationships.

The woman interviewed below should be free 
to legallmarry all her spouses, or simply to be together with her lovers without having to hide, yet they can’t. They are consenting adults who aren’t hurting anyone; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love, and might be persecuted severely in addition.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this woman has to say about the bonds she shares. You may think her relationships are interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic and romantic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in similar relationships right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?

You might want to read this interview first, or wait and read it at the end (I'll link to again below) as they are connected.

**WARNING: Mildly explicit descriptions of adolescent exploration and adult sex.**


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Neely: I'm Neely, I am 24 years old, from an upper-middle class family, I currently live in West Virginia. I have an older sister, Marie, and a younger sister, Amy, and one older brother, John. I currently have one daughter by my brother.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Youthful Love

We have another exclusive interview to bring you. As this interview is being published, there are many people still spending more time home with family members. Perhaps some of them will find this interview an inspiration? Or they can see this for some possibilities.

People in or who have been in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. Most can’t even be out if the closet or they’ll face prosecution under absurd incest laws, which, instead of focusing on abuse, also target consensual relationships.

The man interviewed below shouldn't have had to hide the love he shared with his partner.
 Prejudice can be deadly. They weren't hurting anyone; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for the love, they shared and might be persecuted severely in addition.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say about the additional bond he shared. You may think this relationship was interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?

**WARNING: Mild descriptions of sexual activity are included.**


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Anonymous Man: I live in a big Mediterranean city. I’m an average guy, one you would past by in a street and never notice was there. I was average in my school performance and continued to be average in my college years and the rest of my life after that. 

Growing up, I was so shy I never actually dated a woman, never had the courage to ask someone out.

And as you can probably tell, I’m not any good at describing myself, too.

Are you married?

No, I’m not married. My sister is married and that’s why I'm answering these questions by myself.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Myth: GSA Causes Birth Defects or the Children Will Be Deformed

Reality: If sex between people brought together through Genetic Sexual Attraction results in a birth, GSA does not cause birth defects in and of itself.

Most children born to close relatives are healthy. You know some, whether you know it or not and whether they know their own true parentage or not.

Birth defects can be the result of injury during pregnancy, substances ingested during pregnancy, environmental factors, or genetic problems. It is the last one that people tend to be thinking of, usually, when they repeat this myth. That’s because when both genetic parents carry the same genetic problem, it may be demonstrated in the children. However, this can happen with parents who aren’t closely related, too. A genetic problem may also result in a child if only one parent carries the genetic problem.

Many people who are brought together through GSA don't have children together, due to personal choices, or age, or surgery, or their genders, or some other condition, or even fear of the children being used as evidence in prosecution. See here for more extensive information about this topic.

See Myth: People Who Act on GSA Won’t Be Able to Have Normal Lives

See Myth: There is Only One Good Outcome to GSA

Friday, September 3, 2021

New Tumblr Address

If you are on Tumblr and/or want to follow me there, you can do so at this new address. It's sparse so far, and I'd very much like my long-established Tumblr blog back, but I'm not going to wait for that.

As a reminder, there are many ways to contact me.

UPDATE: Welp, that didn't last long

Either the programming at Tumblr is whacked out, or there are bigots on staff or bigots incorrectly using the reporting features to target me.

We'll find out.

UPDATE: It’s back!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Too Hot For Tumblr?

If you want to see stuff that's apparently too hot for Tumblr, check out this partial archive of my (terminated) blog there.