1) Some people get
abused by relatives. That makes
consensual incest wrong the same way
abuse/assault by non-relatives makes sex in general wrong.
2) Many people are disgusted by the idea.
If something disgusts many people, it must be wrong for everybody!
People are so disgusted by the possibility of having sex with a close
relative that they always get DNA tests before having sex with anyone,
to just be sure they aren’t having sex with a relative.
It increases the risks of birth defects,
and anything that does that is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed, just
like we don’t allow pre-menopausal women over the age of 35 to have sex,
and we don’t let anybody with obvious, serious inheritable diseases
have sex. Yup, this is why it is wrong for two half-brothers to fall in
love, or why stepsiblings who didn’t even meet until they were teenagers
shouldn’t be together. They might make a mutant baby!
4) It’s
illegal in some places,
and something being illegal always makes it wrong. You know, like
harboring runaway slaves? That’s why having sex with your first cousin
is wrong in Texas but just fine in almost every other US state, half of
which legally marry first cousins, and why consensual incest between
closer family members isn’t wrong in Rhode Island, which has no laws
against consensual adult incest.
5) It’s not natural, and people should only be allowed natural things, like bicycles, smart phones, and iPads. OK, maybe
it is natural in some species. But we shouldn’t lower ourselves to the behavior of other animals, who make wars and pollute the planet.
Someone’s religion is against it. And if someone’s religion is against it,
nobody else should be able to do it. You’ll never find
examples of acceptable consensual incest in the Bible.
7) There are so many people you’re not closely related to.
That makes consensual incest (consanguinamory) wrong, just like there being plenty of people in your own race makes interracial relationships wrong.
Only rural poor people would ever do such a thing, not
royals or
educated people. And anything done by rural poor people is wrong.
9)There is often a
power differential
in consensual incestuous relationships, and relationships with power
differentials are just wrong. That’s why no President of the United
States, Senator, Governor, judge, district attorney, or police chief has
ever been married, and we bar wealthy or intelligent people from
marrying someone who isn’t as wealthy or intelligent as them. Yes, power
differentials are exactly why half siblings close in age, even if they
didn’t meet until they were adults, shouldn’t be allowed to be together.
10) It messes up
family structures and dynamics.
That’s why every family’s dynamics are always required to be evaluated
and corrected by outsiders, and people are never allowed to break up if a
breakup will mess up the dynamics of the family. And people are never
allowed to work with family members, as that could cause conflicts or
too much reliance on family. Yes, messing up a family dynamic is why
genetic relatives who were raised by different families should never be allowed to be together.
we need to let
all of those people
who’ve found that a close relative makes the best life partner for them, or
perhaps just a trustworthy sexual partner, know what they are doing is
and they should stop, and go settle for someone else, who I’m sure will
be just fine being the B-list choice for someone who’d rather be with
the person they see when the family gets together. People need to make
sure they aren’t doing anything that makes anyone who’s not involved
uncomfortable. That needs to come before their happiness.
This bit of sarcasm is brought to you by someone who supports the rights of ALL consenting adults to their relationships with any and all consenting adults.