Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Clear Out Those Negative Thoughts

The harm of prejudiced bigotry against consanguinamorous relationships, like the bigotry against so many other expressions of love, affection, and identity, extends to being internalized by some of the people involved. Some struggle with their feelings, because they've been bombarded with irrational fears and disapproval, even before they have any understanding or thoughts about, or experiences with, such matters.

Practically, you see this when cousins or siblings or other closely related adults are conflicted about the love they have.

Although there is no good reason why adults who mutually agree to be together in some way should feel guilty, some still do, and that's a shame. In general, consanguinamory is not sick. It is usually beneficial for all involved, with most negative results being solely the result of external bigotries, sometimes enshrined in ridiculous laws.

It would help if people knew that they are not alone and that there is no good reason they shouldn't be free to be together and have their rights.

Our dear friend Jane has written some great material for anyone who is struggling. Although her blog is focused on consanguinamory, much of what she writes in this entry is applicable to anyone struggling to accept themselves or their relationships.

Because this is how I questioned myself in the early days of my relationship with my dad, it worked for me. Every now and then I’ve also helped others online by asking them these kinds of questions, and some people feel better just for having read this blog and others on the subject… I advocate it because IT WORKS.
I’d also recommend to anyone struggling, to join the community at Kindred Spirits. You can talk to other people who are going through the same things and that can help by giving you some extra perspective. You don’t have to be alone with these issues, we’re a friendly bunch and being in a mutually supportive environment helps a lot.
Go read it all!

The good news is that we're on the right side of history. Sooner or later, all adults will have their rights, including the rights to be together and to marry, if they want. We're striving to make it happen sooner rather than later, and there are ways you can help.

1 comment:

  1. great article about how to clear negativity!


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