Monday, August 31, 2020

A Question About Mothers and Sons

Asked and answered at this blog's sister Tumblr.

Thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to reach out.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Confidential to Chase

"Chase" left a comment that was a bit long and needed to be edited for format and content. So I will address it below. Please know that anyone can contact me privately so ask questions or get things off of their chest.  

Chase found that he liked "incest porn" in his younger years. I will note here that porn in general is fantasy, and often highly unrealistic fantasy at that. It can, however, reveal to someone what they find attractive.

Let's look at what happened.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Massachusetts Is Still Wasting Public Resources Prosecuting Consenting Adults

Here we go again. While a couple of states and many modern countries have decided not to waste public resources prosecuting consenting adults for having sex in private with each other, Massachusetts remains one of those states that stupidly enforces unconstitutional and unjust laws. Of course, this also means outing the people who were having sex with each other to the international new media, including their pictures, and the bigots have taken to places like the Facebook account of one of the people to spew their hatred. 

The earliest coverage of this round appears to come from Cliff Clark at

FITCHBURG — A mother and her son are facing the possibility of spending 20 years in prison after being caught having sex by the man’s wife, according to police and court documents.

That first sentence tells us a lot. 

1) He was cheating on his wife.
2) They weren't careful about where they were cheating.
3) Police were willing to make this a government matter.
4) The prosecutor was willing make this a government matter.
5) The court is willing to make this a government matter. 
6) Any prison time for consensual sex is ridiculous. Twenty years is outrageous. Incest laws need an overhaul.
7) The news media thinks this is newsworthy.

We think it is newsworthy, too, because it is a waste of public resources to make this a criminal case.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Some States are Better Than Others For Consanguinamorists

The United States claims to be the land of the free, where everyone has equal rights, but these ideals still haven't been achieved, even just considering relationships and marriage for consenting adults. Some states are better than others when we consider laws and overall social attitudes.

Laws vary from state to state when it comes to consanguinamory.

While no state will knowingly marry blood (genetic) siblings, whether half or full, nor a parent or grandparent and a grown child or grandchild, Ohio has no criminal laws against adult siblings being together sexually, and things are even better (legally, anyway) in New Jersey and Rhode Island, where there are no laws at all (other than the denial of marriage) against consanguineous lovers, including adults being with their parents. Contrast this with states like Texas, where first cousins are treated like criminals for having sex, even though first cousins can legally marry in about half of the states.

States that had "anti-sodomy" laws, meant to criminalize people in same-sex relationships, and had those laws struck down by the Supreme Court, may not technically criminalize same-sex consanguinamory because their anti-consanguinamory laws may have addressed heterosexuality specifically due to the general criminalization of gays, bisexuals, etc.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Occasional Reminder: We Will Win

We will win.

We will all be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (and any of those without the others) as we mutually consent, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

We will will because there is no good reason to deny these basic rights, and more and more people see that and support equality.

We will win because we have reason, fairness, justice, and love on our side.

Love Will Win!

Let’s make it happen sooner rather than later. Here’s how.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Best College Roommate Possible

We have another exclusive interview to bring you. As this interview is being published, there are many people still spending more time home with family members. Perhaps some of them will find this interview an inspiration? Or they can see this for some possibilities.

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. We've also interviewed people whose consanguineous sexual engagement ended on good terms.

The man interviewed below should've been free 
to legallmarry his partner, or simply to be together as a couple without having to hide, yet they couldn't. They were consenting adults who didn't hurt anyone; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic and romantic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?

**WARNING: Mildly explicit descriptions of sex are included.**


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Anonymous: I am an engineering professor, now married. I'm a white male with a Doctorate, a scuba diver, I am one of four siblings. My parents are upper middle class professionals. I live in a university town. I live with my wife and we have no children yet. My experiences relate to the time before I was married.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pledge For Candidates Seeking Elected Office

The election for the next term of US President is almost here. In addition, all of the House of Representatives will be up for election and a third of the Senate. There will also be many state races decided, such as some Governors and state legislators.

We should insist political candidates take this pledge:

I, _________, hereby affirm I do and will support the rights of all adults to marriage, domestic partnership, civil union, cohabitation, and personal consortium, and any of those without the others, and that these rights shall not be abridged nor denied by the United States or any state on account of sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, ancestry, consanguinity, affinity, or number of participants; that all should live without discrimination and pursue their consensual relationships with each other regardless of gender, sexuality, or relationship diversities.

Feel free to adapt this to your country, territory, or province.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Their Love Endures

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law.

It’s been more than five years since we interviewed Anonymous Woman about her relationship with her son. They are still going strong, so she agreed to another interview to get caught up on how things are now. If you want to be interviewed for the first time or again, scroll down to the bottom for the link. We are always looking for people in "forbidden" or "taboo" relationships, or who used to be, or their supportive friends and family.

Anonymous Woman should be free to legallmarry her partner, yet she can't. They are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone; why should they be denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love.

Read the interview below (and the first one we did with her) and see for yourself what this woman has to say. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic and romantic, but whatever your reaction, should these lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Anonymous Woman: I work for a doctors office doing billing and scheduling. I am Italian descent and I have one son who just turned 48 I turned 70 this year. We live in a modest middle class home. I was divorced when he was very young and raised him as a single mother trying to give him the best possible upbringing I possible could. We struggled for a few years but never wanted to food clothes or shelter. We live in state where any two consenting adults can have sex regardless of relationship 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

We Get Bad Arguments Left As Comments

After "A Where Are They Now Update," "Unknown" left this comment...

I know "marriage equality" is important to some of you out there, but why don't you read up on the history of the European royal families ... especially the Hapsburg rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Who? Oh, we'd never ever heard about them before! No, not at all!

"Hey, I know you all want people to have basic human rights like being able to marry, but have you considered this irrelevant thing?"

This blog isn't here to endorse that Europeans with genetic problems, in polluted environments, with bad diets, and a lack of modern science and health care inbreed for many generations with a small number of close relatives.

We are here to support treating adults equally under the law, so that they can marry each other if they want, or live together and have sex. Rather than type out again what we've done so many times before, we'll invite you to read this.

Love is love is it I "love" my wife, I "love" my children, I "love" my country, I "love" my pet dog, I "love" my football team, I "love" my 1962 Ford Thunderbird...see that I mean?

Yes, we see that you're dismissing consenting adults loving each other if you don't approve of their choice in partners. Don't like it? Don't do it. But trying to compare the love people have to each other to appreciation for a car tells us everything we need to know. There are no good reasons to deny marriage equality.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Be Careful What You Say About Consanguinamory

Be careful what you say about consanguinamory, because you might be saying something hateful about someone you love. What's more, you might be saying something hateful about yourself!

Everybody has their own prejudices and biases. It is good when logic, reason, science, and compassion overcome bigotries.

An example of how bigotries are irrational is when people condemn consanguinamory but they do things that could mean they have already had a positive experience with consanguinamory.

What do I mean?

Consider this. Unless you’ve compared DNA tests with every person with whom you’ve had sex, there’s a chance, no matter how small, you’ve already had sex with a close genetic relative and you didn’t even know it.