Thursday, January 30, 2020

You Might Be Able to Resume Where You Left Off

If comments are a little too explicit for this blog, I don't publish them. Sometimes, I quote them in a new entry, though. "Dominick" left a comment on this entry. He explained that he and his sister would, as youths, frequently engage in sexual experimentation and play. They didn't continue.

As covered in other entries, this can be a normal thing.

Dominick then had some questions. 

I have this very strong desire to make love to my sister. To have actual intercourse. Am I pig for feeling the way I do now??? I'm very confused if the way I feel is natural. Or if something is wrong with me.

Good news, Dominick! You are not a pig for feeling that way. Yes, it is natural. Nothing is wrong you, at least not in this respect. Feelings like this are natural even if some people don't have them or have opposite feelings. Also, some people have such feelings even if they don't have a history of experimenting together. You know others who have these feelings, and you know others who did the same things, even if you don't know which people in your life they are.

The important thing is, what, if anything, do you want to do about those feelings? This might help. Also, like anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you have more questions or want to discuss these things further.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Opportunity for GSA-Involved to Help With a Media Project

I was contacted by someone who is working on a media project relevant to people who have been involved with reunion Genetic Sexual Attraction.
My name is Tess, I work at HALAL Docs, the documentary department of a film production company in Amsterdam. I came across your website regarding marriage equality and I am hoping you can help me with the following request. 
For a very special documentary project, made by HALAL Docs, I’m looking for people whose lives have been touched by the Genetic Sexual Attraction phenomenon. 
They are...
...looking for as many people as possible who want to share their story with us, regardless of the format. Our intention is not to make a report but a beautiful, long and good documentary about living with GSA.

While I have a good feeling about this effort, I can't personally vouch for it. You can research the organization for yourself. As always, use caution in media interactions. It would be good if people who've experienced GSA would at least email to discuss what the possibilities are. There are ways of including people in things like documentaries while still protecting them from certain risks and protecting their privacy. And some of you are in places where you're not breaking any laws.

You can email Tess at tess[at]

You are also welcome to contact me for my thoughts about participation and necessary protection, given what your personal situation may be.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Of Fire, Powder, Vibrations, and the Irresistible

This blog is here to advocate for the rights of all consenting adults to be together how they mutually agree. Included in that is supporting ethical or consensual nonmonogamy. Unfortunately, because of lingering laws and prejudices about consanguinamory, many people can't be open about their attractions and experiences; cheating, which we do not advocate, can happen in such a negative environment as people do not feel free to discuss things openly and honestly with their partners, or anyone else for that matter. Again, we don't advocate cheating, but we recognize that some consanguineous sexual relationships do happen in the context of cheating; many reunion Genetic Sexual Attraction situations involve this. Still, there are things we can learn about relationships in general and consanguineous relationships especially by interviewing people who have had such experiences.

The woman interviewed below formed a family with partner and having a child together, but she's deeply torn because of something that happened to her.

In much of the world, including all but a couple of US states, both she and her other lover could be criminally prosecuted for this, not for the cheating, but for having sex with each other.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this articulate woman has to say. You may think his relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic and romantic; you might find the cheating to be unacceptable. But whatever your reaction, should this be a crime? Shouldn't they be able to be open about their relationship and even marry, if that's what they want? Also, notice that aspects of the relationship are common to GSA relationships that don't involve cheating, too. We don't condone cheating, but even a relationship that involves cheating can help give an understanding of the dynamic of consanguineous relationships, as this is happening everywhere, and clearly she feels extremely conflicted. You can tell how this is weighing on her when you read what she has to say. It's a terrible shame that there isn't more research into this and more help available.


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe your background.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr.

In the US, Monday is a holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He was a giant in the fight for civil rights.

Many decades after he was assassinated, the fight for civil rights continues.

History is on our side. All consenting adults will be free to exercise their rights to share love, sex, residence, and marriage.

Are you like those who kept trying to keep some people second-class citizens, or are you like the people who marched with King?

This is how you can help.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Anticipating Brother

Genetic Sexual Attraction is real, and the people who experience it often have their lives turned upside down. Sometimes, when there are mutual feelings, things will work out so that the lovers can be together.

"Richard" and the woman he love were in a state of mutual anticipation when this interview was conducted, providing a perspective that comes from a different place than previous interviews that have involved people who were together for a while.

People in 
consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers are denied the freedom to be open about their love and are, by law, denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law.

Richard should be free to marry the woman he loves, 
yet they can't legally marry, and they could be imprisoned and have their lives ruined if they were outed to the wrong people. They are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone; why should they be denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say. Should these lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

WARNING: Mildly expressed sexuality.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Search of the Day

This is a search that brought someone here...
is sex with a sibling through marriage illegal
It is important to remember that laws vary from country to country, and in the US, laws vary from state to state.

What would be a "sibling through marriage?"

When people marry, they make their siblings in-laws to their spouse. For example, Pedro and Paul get married. Pedro's sister Juanita is now Paul's sister-in-law, and Paul is her brother-in-law. Also, Paul's sister Mary is now Pedro's sister-in-law, and Pedro is Mary's brother-in-law. Some see Mary and Juanita as sisters-in law, and it is legal for them to marry, at least wherever two women can marry. Mary and Pedro would only be able to marry and Paul and Juanita would only be able to marry where polygamy is legal, or if Paul and Pedro divorced first. But then they would no longer be be in-laws. As far as sex, there isn't any place in the US where it is illegal for someone to have sex with their in-law, as far as I know. I'm not an attorney, however.

There are stepsbilings, and they are considered, from a social perspective, siblings through marriage, although laws in most places would not recognize them as siblings unless an adoption made them adoptive siblings. For a simple example, Mike has a son named Greg and Mike marries Carol, who has a daughter named Marcia. This would make Greg and Marcia stepsiblings, meaning siblings by marriage. In most, if not all, jurisdictions, they could legally marry or have sex because they are not considered legal siblings. Although, they would likely face social discrimination, especially if their parents married when they (Greg and Marcia) were very young and they were raised together. In some stepfamilies, there are legal adoptions. For example, Mike becoming the legal father of Marcia through adoption, or Greg becoming the legal son of Carol through adoption. In such cases, there are more likely to be laws barring Greg and Marcia from marrying or even having sex. However, stepsiblings do have sex, perhaps even more than blood and adoptive siblings.

People shouldn't even have to ask these questions when it comes to sex or marriage. The only questions that should matter are:

1) Are they legal adults and legally competent to consent?
2) Do they mutually consent to this?

That should be it. Nothing else should matter. That is why we promote full marriage equality and relationship rights for all.

If you have questions or comments, whether it is about being with your in-laws or stepsiblings, or something else, please contact Keith or comment below. You can comment anonymously, if you'd like.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Polyamory and Half Siblings

I was asked a question recently.

Q: In a poly family (say husband-wife-wife, all unrelated) is consanguineous sex between the half siblings of more, less, or average frequency?

A: It probably depends.

I'm not aware of any studies on this, so we need to look at this based on what we already know.

A) We know that half siblings who aren't raised together have a high likelihood of experiencing a strong attraction when they meet or are reunited post-puberty.

B) We know people raised together in close quarters, closely related or not, often develop and aversion of being sexual with each other (Westermarck Effect), or at least a suppression of sexual attraction for each other, but many siblings, whether full, half, step, or adoptive, raised together do experiment and some get more serious. To experiment, minors or anyone still "living at home" need not only the curiosity and/or attraction, but they need privacy or at least be allowed to experiment.

C) We know that polyamorous families are diverse, with varying parenting styles and attitudes towards sex. If the Westermarck Effect is at least partially the result of socialization ("nurture") rather than being exclusively nature (such as genetic), then parenting can make a difference.

D)  home in which the parents aren't a polyamorous triad or "V" might be a single parent home, a home with two parents, a parent-stepparent home, a parent-grandparent home, or other combinations.