Friday, September 9, 2022

NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #9

“They’re abusive.” Interracial, (adult) intergenerational, same-gender, polyamorous, and consanguinamorous relationships are not inherently abusive. It is the abusive relationships in general that are more likely to make news, or come to the attention of therapists or law enforcement. There are many people in "forbidden" relationships that are lasting, happy, healthy relationships.

Abusive people are the cause of abuse, not a relationship or marriage. There are many same-age, same-race, heterosexual, monogamous, nonconsanguineous relationships and marriages in which someone is abused. We have several examples showing that outlawing consensual behavior correlates to an increase in problems as people try to avoid law enforcement and other authorities. Marriage equality will most certainly reduce abuse, as abuse victims can go to the authorities with much less fear. So the solution isn’t the status quo, it is in bringing the relationships out of the shadows, allowing them to be protected and made official, and prosecuting abusers. Abuse victims will be much more forthcoming.

There is no good reason to deny an adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion, the right to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (or any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults without prosecution, bullying, or discrimination.

Feel free to share, copy and paste, and otherwise distribute. This has been adapted from this page at Full Marriage Equality:

Go to NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #8 

Go to NOT a Good Reason to Deny (Polyamorous) Love #10


  1. 'I love all my moms': Hundreds of polygamists and their families led by the 'Sister Wives' descend on the steps of Utah Capitol to demand the legal right to plural marriage

    Read more:

  2. We have several examples showing that outlawing consensual behavior correlates to an increase in problems as people try to avoid law enforcement and other authorities. I find that very interesting. Thats what happens when other people think they know whats best for you. Keith. What are some examples of how relationships have been made worse because of laws and law enforcement?

    1. It's happened over and over again in many areas of life, but when it comes to relationships I've personally heard from people who've had to hastily move from where they've built a life, have been criminally wronged by someone but couldn't go to the police because they'd be outed, have terminated a pregsncy they wanted to carry to term because of fear of prosecution, on and on it goes.

  3. heard about some people who are same-generational monogamous same-racial cishet nonconsanguineous get abused in relationships or marriage than the others who are not.


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