Sunday, October 28, 2018

Urge Japan to Increase the Freedom to Marry

Like so many other places, Japan needs full marriage equality.

That includes the consanguineous freedom to marry. Fortunately, Japan doesn't criminalize consanguinamory. Unfortunately, consanguineous lovers are still denied their right to marry. 

There's a new petition that seeks to change that. Please consider signing this petition and spreading the link to others.
Dear Mr Takashi Yamashita 
Today, Japanese law permits consanguineous relationships but not consanguineous marriage. Incest between consenting adults is legal in Japan but Japanese law discriminates against incestuously oriented consenting adult (CIAO) people by prohibiting them from marrying, even if they have children. This is unfair and harmful. 
The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights and is interpreted to prohibit discrimination on all grounds, so why is it that CIAO people cannot marry ? CIAO people may have children and they need to be protected by the law and have the same legal rights as other children are who have legally married parents. CIAO people and their children should not be subject to social stigma or institutional incestophobia. They should not be deprived of rights that others have who are in consensual adult relationships: for example: the right to marry the person they love, and the right to have a mother and a father who are legally married to each other. 
Not all CIAO people may want to marry, but those who wish to marry should not be barred from doing so. To refuse to allow them to marry is a breach of their civil rights, and to treat them as different from other people is to discriminate against them. 
All people who believe in equality and human rights should support the rights of CIAO people to marry. 
Your help in this matter will be most appreciated. 
Thank you very much on behalf of CIAO people everywhere today and in the future. 
As the Minister of Justice, will you please initiate the reform of Japanese laws so that in future CIAO people who wish to marry are able to do so. 
Yours sincerely,Richard Morris
Make it so!


  1. This is a violation of their rights.

  2. Japan's opinion towards consanguinity seems actually more tolerant than other countries. I think if any country can legalize a marriage it's them. However I wonder when was the last time that the legalization of consanguinity made a step forward? The countries I know either stayed that way or they criminalized it (for example France in the recent years made a huge back step)


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